Day from Hell

Sep 15, 2005 21:07

I woke up at 8am to get to the health center early so I wouldn't have to wait in the notorious lines to see physicians, only to find that everyone on the staff was in mandatory CPR training until 1:00pm. I took myself back home to take a quick nap and study a little before my day of tests. At 10:00am I showed up for my Dance301 in-class written exam, and don't think I did too poorly. Optimistic about my performance during the written portion of the exam I went to the library for the "take-home" portion of the test. I also thought I excelled only to find out that I received a pitiful 37 out of 60. Now riddled with fear and doubt I made my way to my Geology lecture course. Number two pencil in hand, I sped through the exam and essay questions with incredible ease. I know I did well on that test, however my throat was throbbing and I think I had developed a fever. I decided that since I couldn't possibly sing for the two tests in choir I might as well take my chances as the health center.
I signed in at 1:41pm, and sat in the waiting room until 2:30pm, when I was sent to the triage nurse's waiting room, where I sat until 3:00pm. The nurse decided my symptoms were serious enough to warrant an appointment that afternoon, so at 3:30pm I was called into the doctor's exam room. I was certain that I was going to make it to my 4:30 class, and would be able to appease my crazy scary director John Alexander, so I relaxed about the long wait. The doctor arrived fifteen minutes later and told a story that was, I kid you not, 10 minutes long about how nice it was to see a young woman so cheerful in the face of illness, and how his old dead friend always saw the glass half full, and other things I spaced out about. He finally got around to examining me and decided I had one of two problems, a) a bacterial infection, or b) mono. He decided that I needed a blood and urine test to rule out mono, so off the lab I went. I sat around for about 30 minutes waiting for the results which were inconclusive. Somewhat puzzled by the labs, the doctor decided to write me a prescription for an antibiotic to treat the possible infection, and asked to see me again in one week. I was relieved to finally be out of there, but no! The doctor looks down at my chart and notices an anomaly. "Your period is late. Are you pregnant?" "No," I respond. He looks at me skeptically. “I assure you, it is impossible,” I declare, with a giggle. “I’ve seen stranger things,” he says and puts the prescription back in my chart and fills out another piece of paper. He sent me back to the lab to take another urine test to rule out pregnancy. Having just peed 40 minutes ago I jumped all the way to the lab trying to squeeze something out, and then sat around for another half of an hour to find out that, surprise, I was not pregnant, and it was safe for me to take the prescription.
Long story short. Don’t go to the health center at CSUF!
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