Have you _____ this summer?

Aug 22, 2006 01:07

Bored, and can't sleep, so i decided, hey why not?!

had a party? Yeppers. I have the best party house.

gone to a party? Indeed.

spent the night with someone? Well, if we're talking girls. I spet thee months worth of nights with girls. Boys style yes too.

laughed until your stomach hurt? Oh man, I'm pretty sure half the summer I did.

laughed until you almost peed your pants? Haha no. Thank god.

gone on a vacation? No. I've been working all summer sadly. But I'm attempting to go out to CA soooooon!

tanned? I have the WORST farmers and chaco ((mountain/hiking sandles)) tan ever.

went to a camp? YES! Dude, I worked at a camp. Try three months of camp.

swam? No. I did a few times in the pool. I opted out of the lake. But, for the most part there really wasn't time.

went to the movies? Yes. I actually just got back from the movies infact.

gone shopping? Yes, though not as much fun shopping as I would like.

Had a job? Yes. ALLLL SUMMER.

gotten freakishly bored? Hahah no. It's called being off 49hours off a week. all summer.

have you gotten sun burned yet? I did the first week of summer cleaning the pool. But i learned after that.

made a bonfire? haha YES. I think I've made more bonfires this summer then I ever have in my life.

been outside during a lightning storm? Yes. We get to be the ones who go and put everything away while it's pouring down rain and everyone else gets to stay dry. Oh for the love!

Been to another state? No. :( I want to be in California right now, or at least at some point this summer, but it's been all about the TN.

been to another country? Noppies.

changed someting about your appearance? uhh if not getting a haircut so my hair is really long and getting a mad farmers tan count then yes. otherwise no.

been to the the hospital with an injury? yes, though it's complicated. More of a perscription mishap then an injury.

commited a crime/broken the law? Yes on all sorts of levels. including three speeding tickets along with the otherwise.

gone on a road trip? If just driving around tennessee for hours or driving an hour to work counts as a roadtrip then yes. If it doesn't then no.

had a g/f or b/f? no. sooo less complicated. whoot.

dumped a g/f or b/f? noppers.

kissed someone? Yes.

been to a concert? Not this summer. :( OMG it's been sooo long sooo depressing.

Been in trouble with the cops/parents? If speeding, not knowing where my license was, or having expired paltes doesn't count then no.

had a memorable moment? Uhh the entire summer was pretty memorable.

had a horrible moment? not really actually. Possibley the hospital one though it's kind of funny now.

made new friends? Haha yes! Living with 11 girls in a tiny trailer for three months makes you friends.

missed a friend? yes many of them.

Slept under the stars? YES! It's amazing. I recomend it to EVERYONE!

thought about school? Grr yes. I really need to register tomorrow or i'm way screwed.

been to the beach? NO! I'm sooo sad.

thought about a special someone? no one special to think of unless we can consider all my friends that i miss special because they def. are!
haha oh man that was a pretty *gag me* way to get out of just saying no to that one.
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