How's my driving?

Feb 06, 2010 20:36

This is it. Your chance to rant (and praise if you want) about my interpretation of Patrick Jane. So without further ado:

How's my driving?How am I doing ( Read more... )

[ooc] drivers ed

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Re: TOTALLY NOT FEEDBACK lookinthruyou June 22 2010, 01:26:40 UTC
Well thanks for tracking me down! My Cho's leaving :( It's hard for her to play Cho what with him just wanting to read his book and be left alone.. But I'm hoping to get a Rigsby soonish, so that'll be fun!

Seriously though, a Bosco, Minelli AND a Kristina?? That's so great. If it's one character I miss it's Bosco. And THANK YOU for agreeing with me about Jisbon and everything else in between.. You don't know how rare it is to find someone who doesn't want those two to hook up and do the nasty, I swear...

Now it's my turn to compliment YOU. Playing Patrick's no easy task and so I think it's freaking boss that you play him! Haven't looked at anything you've done, but simply playing the man's takes its toll on one's nerves as he sometimes doesn't listen to you even when you're all "I am the writer and I have the brain! and I can end you!"

Where do y'all thread? It'd be really interesting to get Patrick out of the village mentality and back into some form of real life/current time.

Thanks again for all the kudos, I'm really glad to see there's such a fantastically wonderful interest in the show. :D


imtherookie June 22 2010, 01:58:26 UTC
Ohnoes, I'm sorry to hear you're losing your Cho! CHO IS SUCH A CHALLENGE OMG. Both my friends that play him constantly complain about his tendency to just do this :| all the time. sgtchofriday is amazingsauce tho, so I am totally going to hook you two up :D

YES BOSCO (why killed off so soon? I was sad because I loved to hate the guy). He is epic. My Jane and him constantly snipe at each other, but it is glorious, glorious fun, hehe. One day the group of us can get together and discuss the 293749274 reasons Jane/Lisbon would NOT work EVER. It's pretty maddening to see how much people want them together, to the tune of major character assassination in fic. I could ramble about this more, but won't take up space here XD;

lkdalflasd; THANK YOU. Jane is quite the character to have running around in the ol' brainpan. I do hella research for him, to the tune of having 250+ mentalism resources on my laptop, books on body language/face reading, and stuff like that. I want more than his speech patterns; I want that magician/stage performer aura. ~*DAZZLE*~. Jane rarely listens to me, even when baited with tea, and I find that it's best to just log everyone else out and hand him the keyboard when he gets in a mood and wants to talk.

We're trying to re-launch mentalist_games so it can be a sort of DR. I am going to seriously get on that this week, now that we are finding more players! I actually considered your game briefly, but realized that it would be foolish for me to spread that thin (2 characters in Amat, 1 in a DR, and 2 freelance? OY VEY). But I am paring down my commitments so who knows!

This is the best show, so finding you is lovely. Seriously. And between you and me, I am still squeeing over Kristina Frye being picked up. The only other dream character I want is Walter Mashburn ^__^ only because my Jane wants to troll Lisbon endlessly by trying to get her to date him


lookinthruyou June 22 2010, 02:24:31 UTC
I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY KILLED HIM. Bosco was so amazing. Some of my most favorite scenes were either Bosco/Jane or Minelli/Jane (you abused a corpse...)

Your icons... Your icons are simply amazing. I have become enamored with this one and was hoping I could snag it with credit to 2scared obviously, if it's okay with you!! The squee is irresistible.

Yeah I hear you about spreading thin.. I've got nine in this game (ONE'S RILEY DENBO *ahem*) and it gets a little overwhelming on occasion.

Walter would be hilarious, and I've been trying to go around my game and beg a few of the players to pick up Sophie because Elisabeth Röhm is so very pretty and Sophie is absolutely amazing.

PS: I see you also have a Red John! @_@ dang.


/too lazy to switch accounts clearlythatsme June 22 2010, 02:32:59 UTC
That should have been a season-long arc, and I'll take that to my GRAVE man. Also, double sad that Minelli left. I LOVED HIM MUCHLY. "It would blot out the sun" has to be one of the best lines ever. I had to adopt ol' Virgil to keep him alive!

dlkfsalkfd *blushes* Use any of those you like, bb. Another player and I used to make a habit of nicking each other's new icons, lol. So enjoy them! mere_dil has epic colorings, I just have to make some of my own to get the really random faces XD;

WHJHATPsdkflaslkdjfskjdf WHAT YOU HAVE A RILEY OMG OMG OMG /IMMEDIATELY GOES TO STALK :OOOO I was thinking of adopting him but if you have one there's no need and OMG THE SIMON BAKER CHARACTERS DR IS ONE STEP CLOSER TO FRUITION 8D

I um. Ship Jane/Sophie in a very wrong wrong way.



OH AND clearlythatsme June 22 2010, 02:34:33 UTC
Speaking of amazingly amazing icons, LOVE the one you're using with Jane+shiny suit.

I um. Was about to pick up a pre-murders charlatan!Jane, just for the Wrong of it. All slimy and snake-oil salesman, fleecing people and generally being a horse's ass about it >_________>



wrongkind June 22 2010, 02:44:10 UTC
I absolutely adore mere_dil!! Sooo my main icon sources if you're interested, aren't from LJ but from IJ XD and here they are if you ever want to peruse:

keisarmy numero uno
keisarmy numero dos

I'm a MAJOR sucker for wordless icons :D Feel free to snag any icons I've picked up along the way, too. Not sure if there are any you'd fancy, but by all means!

Annnnd as far as Riley here goes, he's a new shiny toy and hasn't really been out of his box for long.. BUT my awesomely awesome friend plays a Slack! callmeslack and she is TRULY one of my most favorite threaders.. (She's the Lynn Denlon to my Jane, after all)... /random rambling


clearlythatsme June 22 2010, 03:02:06 UTC
BE STILL MY HEART I just read that whole Riley post and ... omg *snuggles it* I loved that character so damn much. Fuck, now I'm tempted to pick up a Cholo and LIKE I NEED MORE MUSES IN MY HEAD SERIOUSLY.

/saves every single one of those icons omggggggg GLORIOUS ty ;;


and THEN wrongkind June 22 2010, 03:02:23 UTC
You shouldn't have said "use any of those you like, bb" BECAUSE I HAVE YANKED 20+ (many of your 2scareds because the faces are epic)

>.>;; this isn't helping my Jane addiction.


clearlythatsme June 22 2010, 03:06:43 UTC
2scared has very unique coloring but the faces are indeed epic. I need to go back and lighten some of the icons I made because they're HELLA DARK

also make one of him going, "OOOOOH, SCHOOLED YA~"

(Jane approves of people being addicted to him)


too lazy to switch while tagging petunias4tehwin June 22 2010, 04:05:45 UTC
A "schooled ya!" icon for him'd be great XD I can see it now.

And... Cholo.. Cholo beckons :D I wouldn't mind picking up Big Daddy one of these days, or Number 9!


/also imtherookie June 22 2010, 04:09:33 UTC
I'm gonna go make that RIGHT NOW then.

Also, those IJ links? MY GOD SO MANY ICONS. I'll be here for days picking out the ones I want! It enabled me to adopt two new muses :D



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