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Apr 15, 2010 10:26

Mentalists are described as people using mental acuity, hypnosis and/or suggestion. This means that to play Patrick effectively I am going to need background e-mails in certain situations and will be asking permission to Godmod if the need arises.

Jisbon, Jace, et al:
Patrick doesn't have a Lisbon in the village, and if you are interested in playing her, please contact me at AIM: kir the fierce. As it is, I am a part of the minority of Mentalist fans who is anti-Jisbon (Jane/Lisbon romantic pairing) and anti-Jace (Jane/Grace romantic pairing) annnnd anything else you can think up. Any efforts to change my mind or tweak canon, as canon up-to-date shows that they are not romantically involved, will not be reciprocated through my interpretation of Patrick. Oh, and hey, I'm not even that excited about Kristina Frye or even Sophie. My OTP is Jane and his dead wife, thanks.


The fact that before the events in the television show, that Patrick made money and found fame as a fraudulent psychic and knew what he was doing says something about the man's character. He's charming, and is outwardly cocky and arrogant, as was illustrated when he openly mocked Red John during his show. Even after the death of his wife, he turns down women, claiming that he's still married. This could prove that even though he comes across as an asshole, he really does have a decent set of morals and ethics. He's extremely cheeky and obnoxious, not one for following the rules or doing things by the book. Granted, he's also seen as generous due to the fact that he often counsels the bereaved and grieving, his honesty and sincerity shining through during those times. He misses his wife and daughter even to this day, though refuses to discuss them, even with the closest of friends (which he really doesn't have any to speak of.) He has a tendency to play mind games and push the buttons of others: suspects, victims and peers alike. Not being one for physical altercations, Patrick prefers to be behind the scenes and not get his hands dirty, that being said he has been known to take control of a situation (i.e. shooting someone who was threatening members of Lisbon's team.) Psychic? Not in the slightest. After admitting he was a fraud, very few people chose to believe him due to his being able to read people so miraculously well. He's exceptionally observant and unshakably logical, his insights into human nature tend to baffle others, and more often than naught he tends to pick up on things that would go unnoticed to others.

Physical Description:
Patrick stands at just under 5'10". He has bright blue-green eyes that are slightly wide spaced and droop down at the outer corners as well as blond eyebrows to match the mop of sometimes unruly medium blond mess of curls on top of his head that he leaves a little longer than average. Patrick is in all reality considered to be an attractive man, he's not toned much, but has a casually athletic build and a nice light tan and always is well groomed and dressed to impress in a three-piece suit complete with button down dress shirt. He has what people refer to as "laughing eyes", though you can pretty much bet that he's studying you, determining his next move and all that. Despite his perceptiveness, there are slight bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. He has a decent jawline as well as a nose that's just a smidge too big for his face. He looks the part of the past-celebrity to a tee. Even though it's been years since the deaths of his wife and daughter, Patrick insists on continuing to wear his wedding ring.

Over the second season we see that Patrick has become more racked with guilt over the death of his family, so much that at times his inability to function properly has affected his job at the CBI. He's having a hard time sleeping, though not trying medicinal aids as he can't quite stomach the knowledge that he needs the help of a pill to sleep. Killing Red John is all Patrick has been thinking about for eight years, everything else has been pushed aside. His veneer is starting to crack and so far he hasn't gone public with it, thankfully keeping his brooding and melancholy within the walls of his now empty house in the Hills, Patrick is no doubt starting to feel the heat. Why hasn't Red John been captured? Why hasn't something been done? Why hasn't justice been served? These are all questions that haunt him up to this very day and his near obsessiveness with Red John is what sends him to Haurvatat right in the middle of a kidnapping case involving a wealthy sister and a rich druggie husband. Seeing the Westlake's little baby girl, Lillie, probably brought back feelings of remorse for his own six year old daughter. It's my hope that during his stay in Haurvatat, Patrick will find a modicum of inner peace and see that there's really a lot more to live for than just tracking down the killer of your family, no matter how racked with guilt you are.

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