I have a confession to make: I am possibly the entire person in the world who doesn't like Quakers. Seriously. I googled "criticism of Quakers" and the only thing I go was
this, which at least didn't make me feel totally insane, since a lot of the criticisms he relates are ones I share
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It's a little like the "happy families are all alike; unhappy families are unhappy in their own way." Including everyone in a community can easily include people and groups that undermine the community, possibly intentionally. From your spoiled child who got others to remove people at her whim, to my crazy person who assured me that even though I was very sick, I still had something to give them. I am very bad at finding a solution because when I'm not comfortable and can't talk it out, I sever ties.
The Quakers were historically the most bro-ish of the American Christian groups, minding their own business while the other sects were ostracizing and witchhunting each other, and opposing the slave trade, and all that good stuff. So I am sorry they sucked so hard.
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