Feb 26, 2006 17:30
Just got back from Ajax....got to see Jordan for the first time in a month, and probably the last time for another month :( He has a lot of stuff on the go on weekends, and its hard to be able to see him unless we plan it FAR in advance. Anyways, I got to Union Station around 930ish on Friday night, and after running across a road and trying not to get hit by taxis, I FINALLY got to see my Muffin again :) I gave him his Valentines/Cheer Up basket, and he loved the cookies (I think they are all gone now) and his mini eggs.
Then we went to Kennedy Commons in Deathbourough to meet with the car club for a bit, then just headed home where we spent like an hour laughing over stupid things. Then Saturday morning Jordan had to work till noon, so I took over his gigantic bed and slept till 9:30, then putted around his house (no one was home) till he came home. We headed out to a movie (Firewall....pretty good, bad ending) and to dinner (Pizza Hut, of course....if we ever get married, we are SO having pizza at it). Then today we just relaxed before he drove me back to London (my ride back backed out of coming to the GTA so he had to drive me back...which was fine because we made fun of people the whole ride home). Anyways, it was a great weekend, full of more quotes that neither of us will let each other let down :)
I just realized we get our taxes back soon....last year I got back $1685 from just my summer job alone, so I'm excited to see what it will be this year-I worked more hours, and recived more pay, plus I get to claim rent, tutition and such so I should get back at least $1500...which will go towards a truck...or pizza.
So at work the other day, Jason Aldean (hot country star) was going live-to-air with an interview, and I had to answer the phone and pre-interview him. So after I was done freaking out, I asked him the basic questions....then asked him the hot dog one. He laughed so hard, and said that was teh greatest question he has ever been asked. Then when he was doing his interview live, he told Chris (the DJ) that I could interview him ANYTIME! :D Then the next day at work, I had a voice mail message from AARON PRITCHETT telling me that he was talking to Jason Aldean and that he wants to set up an interview with me sometime because he heard I ask great questions! I'm awesome!
This week at work I work 10-3, which means I can stay up later :D and talk to Jordan on MSN when he gets home from work at midnight! :D I'm way too happy about this week!
In other news, this week proved to me that there are stupid people in this world. So stupid. I am enjoying laughing at them and the dumb things they do...and so is every person who knows what I'm talking about! Oh dearrrrrr.
This weekend coming up is Murph weekend...meaning my friend Murph from windsor is coming to london, and we are going visit. This is exciting...I can FINALLY do something in london! Yey!
...Thats all.