Sep 03, 2004 13:06
*Comment if you have or havent. Or want to or dont want to.*
_kissed me:
_sat on a bench with me:
_hugged me:
_smelt me:
_felt me(emotionally):
_been there:
_changed something in my life:
*Would you ______ with me? And why...*
_make dutch ovens:
_get a tatt:
_run away:
_bike 26 pointless miles:
_get a massage:
_go out with:
*Have i ever ____ you or wanted to? And...?
_walked with:
_seriously talked with:
_wanted to say something to you:
_walked you to class:
_told you i need you:
_asked you out:
Please everyone be honest. and if u dont want me to know who you are then be anonomyous