(no subject)

Mar 12, 2004 23:21

22 Ways To Get Kicked Out of Class [Mar. 12th, 2004|08:50 pm]

[ mood | moody ]

1) Laugh hysterically when the teacher is talking.
2) Write a rude note/draw picture about a loser in your class, and 'accidentally' pass it to them.
3) Immitate EVERYTHING your teacher says and does as they say/do it.
4) Pick your nose and make your friend eat it.
5) Take 30 minute bathroom breaks, come back, and five minutes later ask if you can go to the washroom.
6) Change your accent every ten minutes.
7) When asked to read aloud, act as if you don't speak the language.
8) When called upon to answer a question, yell out a vulgar comment at the teacher and ran frantically from the room screaming 'AY CARUMBA!!!!!!!!'
9) Shit your pants, then offer to dissect it for bonus marks.
10) Use class time to paint a large mural of your teacher, accentuating every negative aspect about them. Add thought bubbles.
11) Stare at someone you hate for a long period of time, when they look at you scream loudly and then return to your work.
12) Page the office and tell them you're sending the teacher down for bad behaviour.
13) Call your teacher by their first name, and insist to everyone that you're on a 'first name basis'.
14) Randomly scream 'yo momma' jokes about your teacher's momma.
15) Shoot spit balls at someone and then yell 'fore!'
16) Develop a serious case of Turet's; comment on everyone in the room, rudely.
17) Make a paper airplane, pick your nose with the tip, and shoot it at someone.
18) Make a paper airplane 'real life size' and try to ride it.
19) Build a large, detailed fort using as many desks as possible. Ask people to donate their
desk to the cause.
20) Pull out your makeup/hair supplies and proceed to give yourself a complete makeover.
21) Bring a huge bag of chips, and a 2L pop. Eat and drink loudly.
22) When finally kicked out of class, scream 'THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU SAID LAST NIGHT!
' and storm out, slamming the door.

i love stolen property
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