old survey

Sep 20, 2010 01:48

Three things that scare me:
1. paying back loans
2. what other people think of me
3. rodents

Three things I love:
2. being with friends
3. laughing

Three things I hate:
1. hoops to jump through
2. Acne
3. loud chewing

Three things I don’t understand:
1. cars
2. God's timing
3. music theory

Three things on my desk:
1. She and Him CD 
2. speakers

Three things I’m doing right now:
1. listening to music
2. attempting to distract my self from recurring thoughts
3. typing

Three things I want to do before I die:
1. get married
2. have kids
3. travel the world

Three things I can do:
1. make jokes
2. sing
3. reflect.....a lot

Three things you should listen to:
1. the lyrics
2. silence
3. good advice

Three things you should never listen to:
1. Ann Culter
2. Prince
3. gossip

Three things I’d like to learn:
1. speak Spanish fluently
2. How to write songs
3. to pray boldly

Three favorite foods
1. chocolate
2. stir fry
3. curly fries

Three beverages I drink regularly:
1. milk
2. arnie palmers
3. water

Three books I read as a kid:
1. Number the Stars
2. The Giver
3. Dr. Suess

Three TV shows I used to watch as a kid:
1. Full House
2. Sabrina the Teenage Witch
3. Boy Meets World
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