Stand still, Look pretty...

Feb 28, 2007 23:48

i really should be going to sleep right now. i still feel pretty sick, although my head doesnt hurt as nearly as bad as it did two days ago. it's been really hard for me to fall asleep because my head felt like it weighed 20 pounds and all i could think about was the fact that it ached! hence, caulkins has not attended all of her classes this week~(not that being sick has anything to do with the fact that i suck at college). i just finished my assignment for my HDFS class, thank God. Now i just gotta finish my analytical response for monday, read a short novel and write a paper about it for next week. the quarter is almost over, YAY! i cannot wait unitl spring break, it's going to be amazing. although, i cant say that im looking forward to the car ride there and back, clausties anyone?? lol. no, im sure it will be fun, plus we get to drive straight through nashville-which is exciting even if we dont stop there. i must say, im going to look like an albino beached whale at the beach--but im passed the point of caring on that issue (as i sit here and enjoy my thin mints ). all that matters is that im going to the beach with my girls to relax and soak up some sun. ok maybe soak up some rum too, lol.

im trying to think of things to talk about since my last entry was a while ago. hmmm. well lets see, we've had a few interesting parties- at one of which i learned that renee can bong beers like a champ--although i still consider amanda to be the queen of beer bonging ( yea-she's the shit!). also went to a party at jings that, despite walk in the freezing rain, was quite pleasant. There's nothing like getting drunk with people you never really talked to in high school! lol, kidding-i talked to everyone. no seriously, laura dennis was there-which was cool, got to catch up on some things, and eddie amick was there--he still gives good hugs. i blame my illness on this party for many reasons--i had to walk in freezing rain to get there, i shared drinks with people and exchanged quite a few hugs--then went to bed without washing my face or hands--germ city! oh well, on the positve side ive eaten about 100 popscicles!

last week we went to the chris cagle/the wreckers concert. it was AMAZING! much better than i expected. as a matter of fact, it was one the best concerts ive been too. plus, being in the front row helped! Chris Cagle and I had moments! yeah-he blew kisses to me! ahhh, melt! Amanda too! She shared these glorius moments with me, lol. The wreckers were fucking awesome! seriously kick ass. i went and bought their CD and have been listening to it since. its really good. i recommend to ANYONE, even if you dont like country. it's not really a completely country cd and not exaclty pop-ish, its got an edgy sound to it, unique. Michelle Branch meets Jessica Harp. cant quite explain it. plus they write almost all of their songs, which is amazing! i wish i could write songs. which brings me to my next point, i am determined to learn to play guitar. i know like 2 chords. im working on scales--tyler being my teachers. looking forward to calloused fingers, lol.

no one has been home today. ive been alone with my thoughts all day, dangerous thing that is. i had the urge to get a tattoo today. but i didnt. i cant decide where i want it. but i think i definitely want one--COLBERT whaddya say? tattoo? soon? lol kinda scared though, but i will be tough! and i will get one! any suggestions on where my SMALL amount of ink should go? im thinking ankle or somwhere around the top of my foot. a little block o! tee-hee.

well now that ive actually written a decent journal and not just some one-line update, i think im gonna go grab another delicious popscicle and hit the sheets. although i will probably lay there for hours before i actually fall asleep. not looking forward to my 830 class tomorrow. boo.

adios, peeps!
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