(no subject)

Jun 20, 2004 10:20

Wow what pass couple of days...

Thursday: I went to work (woot woot ) then I got my eyebrows waxed and it took off a little chunk of my skin and it is still red and raw today!! (Grr.....) Then I picked up Natalie and we went to the peer supporters party. I have never had so much fun at a PS party. Natalie, Will, Joanna, Stacy, and I had so much fun just hanging out. Then Stacy left and Will showed us the stereo system in his car. All I have to say is, "Wow". Then we all watched this DVD called 25 ways to die. Funniest shit ever! After the party Natalie and I went to Starbucks and hung out where we ran into Emily, Selina, and a friend of theirs.

Friday: I went to Marilyn's at 8:30 and we cleaned out her room and began to paint it. Then we watched the twins. And went back to her house and painted her room until 1:00 am.

Yesterday: Woke up at 2. Went to Marilyn's to finish touching up the room and moved the rest of her crap in. Then we got Bucky's and smoothies. After we went back to my house and got ready for RHPS! Then Mike gave us a ride to Almost Darin (turns out his name is David)'s house where Mike got into his Magenta costume and Domanique was dressed as Rocky. Mike and I were the only non-virgens!!! So it was really funny. So many pictures... maybe I'll post them later. So afterwards, we all head back to David's house where David, Danny, Hallie, Marilyn, and I played a sad game of charrades and 4 in the morning. Then Marilyn and I get back to my house where we try to just stay up but we crash at around 5.

Today (so far): I get up at 8 to go to work and I drop Marilyn off at her house before I grab a smoothie. Then I head to work and I'm there for an hour until I go home because my boss forgot to call me and tell me not to come in so I was there by myself for and hour and then I came home to rant in my lj.
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