May 04, 2007 04:04
a long long time ago, back in my journalistic days, i couldnt wait for that time when i can finally use my human right to vote. i longed for the day i get to speak my mind, my voice heared. back then, current events was my forte, i'd watch the nightly news every night and i remember actually being able to converse with adults on the current situations of the country. it amazes me how i used to be that kind of person. also, back then i believed this country had a chance. remember the edsa dos days??? yea, that was touching. i could still remember the want, the need, the urge to fly to manila and be among the people gathered at the shrine. yes, i was that into it. i would hurry back home after school everyday to watch how the ultimate soap opera that was "the impeachment trial" would unfold...
it wasnt until 2 years (?) ago that this whole state of the nation/politics/current events thing struck me back. i mean, i forgot all about it for awhile, even forgetting my journalistic hands and let all the knowledge run down the drain. ok so back to last last new year, it was in argao where my uncle had a lecture about this whole "sugbuak" thing. the listeners were us, the pamangkins and wow it was indeed a lecture, we ended at around 3am(?) talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the whole dividing of cebu. i really learned a lot. it was after that that i realized how far behind i am. which made me come decide that i have to catch up with all of this. all this... politics nd stuff.
a politically driven nation. where democracy rules and the citizens, though i take great pride in them most of the time, abuse the power to vote. abuse. i mean i've known for awhile that this is really how it goes, a rich powerful politician will claim to do so and so and fix this and this and the citizens.. dear citizens, would willingly believe the mumbo jumbo from the words or the songs these politicians will be singing. thats how it goes, thats how the polluted world of politics works. ok, so deep down inside i still believe this habit will change. i long for the day when the candidates doesnt have to make a stupid lame jingle (boom tarat2x zubiri2x...) to gain voters. zubiri, a good man. i believe in him, i trust him, and he will do go things for the country im sure... but seeing him singing and dancing to a lito camo song is a major downgrade. a man like him doesnt deserve such an act like that (sry to say), he is worth more. hopefully people will realize that and will still vote for him even if he doesnt dance along a stupid song. i long for the day.
a few days back, anjo, posted a political ad from argentina. the ad was awesome, it rules over all the ads that ever existed. i long for the day our political ads will be like that... and not hearing a stupid jingle to catch attention. hence, words. let's use that. simple, powerful words. words that doesnt have to have a melody or a rhyme... it just has to mean something. something true. something to catch attention. i know our little brains are capable of that! c'mon... let's not insult ourselves by being drawn to jingles. right?
ok.. i still dont have a point, and im not actually aiming for one either. im just ranting... useless random rants. maybe ill come up with something along the way.. haha. anyway, now that im of legal age (actually nalapas na gani), i can now vote. sadly though, i never had the opportunity to. its not like im lazy nd i dnt wanna wait in along line, i mean, i am but to be able to vote, ill be willing to stand in line! i am always out of the country come election time. what luck right? how i wish i can use this power, its free and it changes the world! how i wish. wait wait, here's my point: let's not waste our damn votes, k? ive been waiting a long time to vote and still cant, but a lot of people can. it might not seem that important to them but they should realize that so many people (like me) wishes to have their power. maybe ill become sylar!!! bwahahahaha and steal all those powers for my evil doings. haha. bitaw2x... tarong ta. vote wisely. meaning dont even think about writing richard gomez's name on that ballot. dont waste that space. plskthnx.
oh oh! and another political thing, but imported lang... hillary clinton vs barac obama. both very very strong individuals! one of them will be running for president. one of them will either be the first woman president or the first minority president of the united states. maybe by that time i would really kill to be sylar and steal voting powers coz i sooo wanna be part of history. rawr.