Jul 21, 2006 18:50
so yesterday as stated, i cut my finger, and holy fucker man, it hurts when something touches it. Which makes things 10 times harder at work. Today at work, i cleaned the entire freakin front of the store by my self, only with some help with this guy i work with named bruce lee. He doesnt talk much, which makes things a lot easier, but god damn, i am like the only person who stays and cleans eveyrhting up, eveyrone just leaves. i also helped customers for an hour and ahalf by my self. It was very enjoyable, and it sucked ass to the extreme. I started to walk to work this morning, and realized my battery for my pod was low, so i ran back home to look for the charger so i could listen to it on the way home. No way, no where to be found, so, i leave my house 10 to 1030, and its a 20 minute walk, anddddd its pouring outside. So i start my merry journey, and thank god one of my neighbors picked me up, or else i woulda been super soaked, and super late. She's a very nice lady. And no, i still havent found my charger.
seems as though i talk wayyyyy too much about work. Well tough shit. Work is somewhere i spend 30-35 hours a week. Its a part of my daily routine, and it gets my angry!i put my whole heart into this rinky dinky job i have, and no one gives me any credit. except my mom. she actually made a comment about how hard i worked for eveyrhting i have and that is one of the things she really likes about me. it actually made me feel good. sadly enough.
Today, i plan on cleaning my room, seems as thought if i dont clean up after my self right away after doing something, my room just tends to fall apart after a day or two. I was doing pretty good. about 2 weeks i didnt have to clean my room. But hey, its baby steps that count right?
Reminder- Ashley, you need to buy fabreeze, you are running extremely low.
I've been watching the weather all week, and it really excites me because it says no rain on monday, you know what that means!! The second week in a row it hasnt rained on my day off!! wee!!!!!!!!
Reminder 2- Ashley, you need to stop spending money on food, and save up to buy those awesomely awsome shoes you've been dieing for.
Oh, which also reminds me. I got my stuff from that magazine i ordered from, they should really make details clearer in the mag. I mean, maybe it was my fault, but the shirt does not look what i thought it was going to look like, ah oh well, lesson learned ash.
gonna clean my room.