Hahaha. I can't believe that this Atkins diet is being taken so much into account--when he died, he had clogged arteries and was 50 pounds overweight. Shouldn't that clue you people in?! *shakes head*
Yesterday was semi-fun. Stacy and Sara came over, and she brought me a Jones Cream Soda and it was really good, Stacy brought Chee-tos puffs, and they were good, and I had a frozen Reese's cup. For some reason, I only like those when they're frozen. Anyhow, Sara and Stacy put up sheets on my wall and we took pictures of her being a model, and Sara yelled at me like she usually does, because I'm a screw-up and can't do anything right. Then she lost her keys, and we ended up having to look for them for an hour, and when she found them, they were under the lamp shade. I looked at the pictures she took of me. They didn't come out as bad as I thought they were :) I got a new Idina Menzel icon(another one that darling Malory made), because Sara got mad that I "stole" her pink one(that Malory made and put on her website), even though I had it before her. WTF?
I'm going to Walgreen's today to get my picture taken for my audition(s?) on Sunday. I think my mom and I could work out auditioning for both The Sound of Music AND my church choir, because one audition is from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and the other audition is from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
I just weighed myself and I'm 160 pounds. I WAS 155. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm going to attempt to work out for 4 hours today, and try for 4 tomorrow, and do 2 every day until school starts.
On a lighter note, I bought The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. It's great!! I like it a lot.