Name: GJ
Contact: AIM/Plurk:
gjbreakingithero ; otherwise PM
lookatmyjunkAge: Over 18
Current characters: N/A
Name: Balthazar
Fandom: Supernatural
History link:
HereAge: Unknown, probably since before the Big Bang. Vessel appears to be in his mid-40s.
Canon point: Right after the moment of his demise. For real this time.
Personality: Clever, compellingly suave, and completely unhinged, Balthazar has all the mischievousness and danger of a demon, while maintaining his loyalty to his friends and some semblance of honor. He is an uncommon thief; intelligent, crafty enough to know the rules so as to better bend and break them. Balthazar has a suave, easy-going persona… his voice even demonstrates his charisma with a smooth, soothing, almost sensual serpentine lisp when he speaks. Unlike most angels, Balthazar seems to express his emotions more readily. He lacks the robotic apathy or the mocking superiority that some angels seem to display; Balthazar is more charming than that, but he still retains traces of that emotional distance. His mercilessness is evident just from the simple fact that he shows no remorse or qualms over purchasing a soul of a small boy. He’s a weapons dealer (both figuratively and literally); ruthlessly mercenary one moment, smooth-talking debutante to the hedonistic world the next. The majority of the angelic population in Heaven seems to be very jealous of the free will humans enjoy, and Balthazar is no exception. He seems to look down on humans, readily calling them 'hairless apes', but has no qualms enjoying their luxuries or the pleasures of the flesh they can provide.. Humans, like the weapons he stole from Heaven, are a commodity -- objects that can be used, sold and bought for a price.
Castiel calls him a common thief, and Balthazar corrects him by telling Cas he is not "common", but a "thief"? He accepts that label and does so with a smirk of pride. Balthazar is like the son who, now that his father is gone or he's off on his own for the first time in college, is living on the wild side. When Balthazar faked his own death to leave heaven, he stole precious relics without any respect for their value or the effect it would have on the host of heaven, or to the consequences for abusing their power when he used these objects to bargain for things that made life more 'comfortable' for himself on earth. What did he care what chaos the Staff of Moses would cause in the human world? In fact, he seemed to be cocky when he told Castiel that he gave heaven the figurative "up yours" and jumped ship, and seemed to expect Castiel to be proud of how he followed his example and rebelled. After being a loyal soldier for so long, it appeared to please the renegade angel to deceive and steal from heaven and do so without anyone ever knowing. Almost like he was playing a game.
He was once honorable soldier who fought alongside Castiel in the last angelic war, a bond of friendship that has lasted for thousands of years as not just a professional relationship as comrades-in-arms or 'brothers' as the angels refer to each other, but as old and loyal friends. Balthazar looks up to Castiel, especially when his straight-laced friend rebelled and heroically (in his eyes, at least) brought free will to the angelic population who were previously denied it. However, seeing civil war brewing again seems to have opened up old wounds -- Castiel himself says that Balthazar is insane, although he may be taking note of Balthazar's sudden turn towards hedonism and the fact that he's something of a loose cannon. Following in Castiel’s footsteps, Balthazar embraced free will by faking his own death and making off with a lot of Heaven's powerful weapons, using them to become a kind of 'Crossroads Angel' and purchasing souls. He then fled Heaven when anarchy took over, old wounds from the last angelic war reopening -- he didn't want to relive those days of civil war and instead jumped ship.
However, just because Balthazar decided to abandon heaven and his former glory days as a soldier, that doesn't mean he'd thrown away his concepts of friendship and honor entirely. He may not be the honorable man he once was or as dedicated as Castiel once thought him to be, but he does retain some of his values in some respects. When Raphael came looking for him, Balthazar naturally had no desire to stick around, nor did he intend to stick around and help Castiel fight the archangel., as it would be 'getting his hands dirty'. As he said, he had no interest in rejoining the ranks of heaven's army. However, when it was down to the wire and Castiel was about to be killed by Raphael, Balthazar returned at the last minute to save his friend's life. This proves that Balthazar sense of loyalty to his friends has not deteriorated. Destroying Raphael's vessel also gave him a personal advantage of a head-start, since Raphael would have to find a new vessel before following him. So even if he did return as a favor to a friend, he was really killing two birds with one stone, demonstrating not just loyalty, but the shrewd thinking of a strategist as well.
Not only is he brazen in his misbehavior, but he's highly independent, another trait that is not common among angels. The choice to leave heaven is not one that most angels would find easy, so those that do break away from heaven by choice (Anna, Balthazar, Castiel) suggests that being absent from heaven's power and losing all sense of the family and brotherhood that comes from being one of the flock speaks volumes of his desire for independence. When Balthazar faked his death, he did so and never looked back. He didn't even tell Castiel -- one of his closest friends -- that he was still alive. Balthazar is the type who can cut ties and run, always looking ahead to the next thrill. Sure, he feels bad to know that he hurt Castiel when he said that he grieved his death, but little is worth jeopardizing the one thing he wants most -- freedom. Not even civil war between the members of his family is enough to tempt him back into Heaven's bonds of service. He approaches the situation like a realist, and maybe even a cynic, with the belief that nothing will change no matter how much Castiel and other angels try to put heaven back in order. In Balthazar's opinion, it's every man (or angel) for himself.
Eventually, however, he is drawn to Castiel's ranks and out of desperation when Archangel Raphael sends one of his best to kill him, he executes a plan with Castiel to use the Winchesters as a diversion. This gave Castiel enough time to retrieve the well-hidden weapons of Heaven he stole and proved that he really has no qualms about using humans as bait and deception to ensure his own survival. With the weapons now in Castiel's hands, he joined him in the fight -- but still found time to party it up on earth.
But despite how Balthazar always seems to be looking out for number one, he is still an angel at heart and knows that at the end of the day, there is a line that you just do not cross. When he found that Castiel had been working with the new King of Hell, Crowley, this whole time in a deal that would crack open Purgatory so he could swallow all those monster souls to gain the power to defeat Raphael, he turned on him, becoming a double-agent for the Winchesters because backstabbing his friend was better than possibly allowing him to blow up and take half the planet with him. He often claims that he just doesn't like the prospect of dying, but it can be argued that there is a bit more to it. He truly enjoys earth and would really hate to see it go. Does he want to die? Hardly. Does he want someone to risk blowing up the planet to defeat Raphael? Absolutely not.
Unfortunately, trusting Castiel with all his firepower and helping him to grow more and more powerful meant that his friend was now a foe he couldn't defeat, and all it took was one slip for his own betrayal to come to light, and he came to a very bad end.
Powers/Abilities: NOTE: I realize he has a lot of potentially twinky powers. I am a firm believer of obtaining consent from players prior to using powers, because I'd rather have fun than 'win'. :3 Here's the general run-down on major powers for angels.
- Angel Cavity Search - More painful than it sounds, if you believe it. While Castiel is shown to be one who can perform this, it can be assumed to be a power available to all angels. Balthazar can shove his hand and forearm deep into a person's chest, lighting up what appears to be scattering vein-line paths of burning light just under the skin. This excruciating experience might cause permanent physical damage in some people, although minimal. The results of this ability is being able to read someone's soul -- specifically if someone has a 'mark' on it (kind of like a deed, someone signed the soul to own it) or to detect if someone's soul is intact or even present. Alternatively, he can use this to touch the soul of a human being -- gingerly -- to siphon off some of it's pure energy. This is very dangerous and leaves both the angel and the human feeling frazzled after the painful, stressful process. While it has not been revealed whether or not this technique is used when purchasing a soul, its doubtful such a painful method is used.
- Enhanced Senses - Angels are able to see things that are invisible to humans, such as Enochian sigils, Reapers and other things outside the range of human perception. In addition, Balthazar can locate anyone not obfuscated from angelic sight as a sort of 'angelic GPS'.
- Enochian/Blood Magic - Banishing and Exorcising are more commonly used, as are Locating spells. Balthazar can exorcise demons with a touch, although some are too powerful. The Banishing sigil works on angels, regardless of rank. In desperate times, he can even carve the sigil on his body and become a mobile banishing 'bomb' -- At the risk of banishing himself to some random location (Castiel is shown to have attempted this technique in canon). He can also create a warding sigil against angels, preventing any to enter where he's marked it in blood.
- Increased Strength/Stamina - Balthazar is stronger and more resilient than appearances would lead one to believe. Angels can easily pick up and throw a fully grown man, crush brick and mortar with a punch into a wall, etc. Normally, punching an angel is like punching an iron wall. In fact, you can quite clearly hear a clank if you attempt it, like Dean once did to the angel, Castiel. Furthermore, as an angel, he does not require food, sleep or water to survive. Injury sustained by mundane (and even some supernatural) means have little effect on him, and wounds heal very quickly. In addition, angels are immune to all diseases and plagues. Oddly, angels do not appear to be immune to the intoxicating effects of alcohol or the resulting hangover, but it seems to take as much alcohol as a liquor store contains to get him heavily intoxicated.
- Invisibility - Angels, even while occupying vessels, can render themselves unseen. Voyeurism, anyone?
- Lay On Hands - With a touch angels can heal, render unconscious, alter memories, carve Enochian sigils into bones or organs without damaging anything else... even resurrect a dead person to life. In addition, angels can self-heal instantly and restore his clothes to a pristine state.
- Possession - An angel can possess a willing vessel, as long as they give their consent and as long as they have that special 'something' in their blood that makes them a suitable vessel (generally, it runs in the family). No angel, not even fallen angels like Lucifer, can possess an unwilling host. The experience of being possessed by an angel is reported by one as like "being chained to a comet" and you can lose all sense of time.
- Smite/Exorcise - Balthazar can, with the touch of his hand, cause someone... or something (like a vampire or a demon) to burn from the inside out by planting his hand on their head as bright, burning light fires from their eyes, nose and mouth. The ranged version of this comes in the form of a bolt of lightning from the sky... even on a clear day.
- Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation (Time & Space) - Angels are able to enter the dreams of humans and speak to other angels in Enochian, or to psychics telepathically. Angels can also implant visions into the mind of a prophet. They can also speak through EVP. Angels can move objects with their mind, and can increase their focus on even the most delicate manipulations of objects with a gesture. Lastly, they can travel instantly to whatever location (in space or time) they desire as well as teleport someone else with a touch. (I'm guessing that teleportation through time should be only a means to go on hiatus, or it just doesn't work at all.)
- True Form - An angel's true form and voice is overwhelming at best, fatal at worst. It can instill fear, can burn out the eyes of those who look upon it or deafen with it's piercing quality, or kill mortals outright. There are some who are unaffected, however. As a comparison, Castiel's true visage is approximately the size of the Chrysler Building, just to give you an idea of how large they are. Angels can apparently focus this into a destructive explosion of blueish white light from their hands, which can clear a room of living beings/monsters if they don't take care to shut their eyes.
- Voice mimicry - Angels have the ability to sound like any human they choose.
Prose sample: Most orgies were disorganized, artless things. But Balthazar's? They were... for lack of a better word, divine.
A sea of writhing, mortal flesh, the swell and dip of a multitude of sighs filling the air and feeling nothing but blissful decadence. Within all of that pleasure and pain, the perfect mix that both enticed and entranced… capturing mind, body and sou-ah, Grace… Balthazar found that rebellion came with certain... perks. One in particular was this voluptuous redhead and her entourage of 'friends' -- all of them male and hopelessly smitten with her... and it had taken the better part of the night and nearly his whole repertoire of charms to persuade her to share.
Besides, he much preferred all those cocktail dresses and tuxedos on the floor with the rest of them in the smoke-filled room, smelling of rich pipe tobacco, incense, sex and perhaps a few things the local fuzz might not approve of -- not counting the few buxom blondes dressed entirely in hot pants and sleeveless police uniforms. All in the name of a good time, right?
Huh. Come to think of it, this had been a bachelor's party he'd crashed, wasn't it?
He opened his eyes and saw familiar blue eyes, opening and fixing him with a steady, silent gaze, shaking him to his core as he recognized who it was and stunned to find the shocking thrill that paralyzed and thrilled him.
Wait... what was he doing here?
Balthazar blinked, familiar blue fading to a paler shade -- belonging to one particularly strapping lad who had lips made for sin and somewhat relieved that he hadn't been partying so hard as to have missed the part where his angelic brother decided to join in. Not that he really gave it any serious thought -- although he had to admit that the thought had crossed his mind... many others did, as just one of those '100 billion things to do before I die' -- he never really saw him in a sexual light. So it would have been unfair to have that experience denied him entirely due to some extreme boozing.
Not to mention, that... could be a little awkward. Cassie was ever so virginal and likely wouldn't know what to do even if he had an instruction manual and a compass to... oh.
The aforementioned man with the full lips that managed to smirk even while Balthazar was pushing himself dick first into him was effectively derailing that train of thought with skillful swipes of his tongue, dismantling any further thoughts of Cas by bringing Balthazar right back to the present. What a delightful distraction this human was, and what a show the rest were putting on. You know, for nothing more than hairless apes, they really could get rather creative with their recreational activities.
"Good God, that mouth, darling..." Despite how breathless he was, his deep voice remained as smooth as silk... a serpentine lisp softening the edges just enough to give his voice a sultry quality that drew him first to his current vessel. No slouch in the looks department, either, thanks to an active lifestyle of its previous owner... and certainly -- ha ha -- quite the crowd pleaser. Generally, when one set about faking their own death for the sole purpose of enjoying life to the fullest with every pleasure imaginable, it helped to choose a pleasant shape.
Balthazar leaned back, back arching into a touch that was quickly sending him right over that bright horizon, heat pooling within his vessel in ways that told him it was time to ride that delicious mouth of whoever because it had become far too sweet not to. He'd spill for him -- for himself, rather -- relish the moment, then perhaps move on to the next exciting new experience or thrill. After all, it was already proven that they, as angels... they could do anything. So he's going to try everything.
Links: Amat Omnes
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