Jan 23, 2006 14:16
I don't think I will ever seek a job in the academic sector. Reading The Sacred Canopy has made me realize I hate academics. Instead, I want to join the Peace Corps. And I'm dead serious about this, because since I started thinking about it I feel like I have more direction. And after that I don't know yet, but if I get accepted, I'll have less to pay back in the way of loans, which would slightly widen my options.
Also. Vanilla frappuccinos from Starbucks are my coffee beverage of choice. I feel a $4 a day habit forming!
ALSO! Go Steelers! It makes me so happy they won, even though I'm a fair-weather fan type (but not really, it's just that football games are... long). That was a great game. For the first time in my life I want to watch the Super Bowl.