Nov 14, 2005 18:24
So I'm on Ortho Evra, aka the patch, and la di da. It works for me, and as far as I know I haven't yet had a pulmonary ambulismoobliger or whatever so I'm good. Today out of nowhere my 11-year-old cousin told me they were taking it off the market (and she didn't even know I use it... and since when do 11-year-olds pay attention to the news? What is wrong with this child??? Why is she more informed than me?) because of too much estrogen (crap, I knew the bigger boobs were too good to be true) and blood clots and heart attacks and all.
I was curious about what all was going on with it so I googled. And what do I get? About 4652786 billion lawyer sites. One of which had some old, deflated, maniacal, horrible lawyer's head popping up every three seconds asking if I had any questions about suing the company.
Anyway, so lawyers suck. That was really a failure of a couple of paragraphs, huh.
I sent in my resume to that research assistant job I was talking about a long time ago and never sent my resume into because I couldn't figure out how to work the resume wizard in Word (because it SUCKS, okay) and because I am a lazy, lazy girl. I sent it in and hopefully they call me in for an interview and so that I may charm their pants off because I hate waiting tables.