
Sep 21, 2007 12:18

 The Son of Steel...is not in a good mood.

He's woken up, teething and cranky.  And he's REALLY not happy at who's come to check on him.  It's been either him or the sitter for the last four days.

And he loves them.  He really does.

But they're not...


lois lane, superman

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_loislane_ September 24 2007, 16:46:33 UTC
"Work at home reporter for a while, that's me. I can leap piles of laundry in a single bound and sing silly songs while typing up my notes." She chuckles and winks, "Give the spellchecker a work out."


_man_of_steel_ September 24 2007, 18:51:36 UTC
"Spellchecker?" Clark says. "You actually invested in one of those, finally? I can finally stop answering you when you ask how many 'i's there are in 'illiterate'?"

The smile is back on his face.


_loislane_ September 24 2007, 18:56:15 UTC
"Well you won't pick up the phone when you're saving planes from crashing into the ground in a fiery glory. For some reason Perry doesn't understand that I have errors because you won't answer the phone...so spellchecker." She wrinkles her nose at him as she smiles, that's right it's all her husband's fault.


_man_of_steel_ September 24 2007, 19:04:27 UTC
"OK, that's good, because I'd hate for Oracle to DROP EVERYTHING to answer spelling queries in my absence."

"Any thoughts for Jon's first birthday?"


_loislane_ September 24 2007, 19:07:54 UTC
She makes a face. "I tried that, she's kind of cranky when you ask her things like that." Not really, but with Lois you can never be sure.

"Is it too early to have pony rides?"


look_upinthesky September 25 2007, 16:01:51 UTC
Clark chuckles. "I had thought about having a party for him with all of the other kids...Mary, Luum, Alanna. They do say that the first birthday party isn't for him so much as it is for the adults..."


_loislane_ September 25 2007, 16:05:27 UTC
"So I suppose a pony ride because I think it would be cute as heck is pointless." The smile this time is a 'you love me and my quirks' grin.

"We can invite all the other kids as long as you make the rogues all cross their heart and hope to die that they won't party crash."


_man_of_steel_ September 25 2007, 16:10:08 UTC
Clark laughs. "Jon would just find it funny. He thought it was hysterical when Weather Wizard crashed the softball game."

"Wonder if Gymboree has private functions."


_loislane_ September 25 2007, 20:12:55 UTC
"I don't care if he thought it was funny, I wouldn't think it was funny and I'll be stressed enough with the whole he popped out of my womb a year ago factor." He gets a stern poke in the chest with her finger.


_man_of_steel_ September 26 2007, 13:59:02 UTC
Clark grins. "He was surrounded by me and half the Justice League." He sighs. "You do realize that safe is always going to be a relative concept with us, right? That said, he's safer with us than, say, Britney Spears."

He almost looks embarassed that he knows what's up with that situation.


_loislane_ September 26 2007, 17:30:22 UTC
She very carefully keeps her face straight at that and gives him the doe like eyes.

"Gee Clark, maybe I should have Perry stick you on the teen queen detail since you know so much about the celebrities."


look_upinthesky September 26 2007, 18:49:27 UTC
"And perhaps I should ask him to have you reassigned to Woman's Week magazine - I'm sure recipies and breastfeeding tips would be right up your alley."

He gives as good as he gets. Smirking.


_loislane_ September 27 2007, 14:11:30 UTC
"Only if you want your guests to never come back." Cooking is definitely not her forte. The summon food speed dial is more her speed.

"Really I bet Paris Hilton would love to spill her secrets to a hottie like you, Perry'd love it."


_man_of_steel_ September 27 2007, 14:16:57 UTC
Clark sighs. "I think that since he is now asleep to the world, you should put Jon to bed...then I think we can discuss more in depth my...career options?"

There it is. The look.


_loislane_ September 27 2007, 16:24:42 UTC
There's a last nuzzle at the warm, sleeping head on her shoulder.

"Oh I think I can arrange that." She slowly drawls it out with a lilt in her voice.

She winks at him over her shoulder as she walks Jon into his room to tuck him into bed.


look_upinthesky September 27 2007, 16:33:09 UTC
He watches her go. And smiles. Jon's not the only one that's missed you. Clark thinks.

And for the next 8 hours at least, all is well in his world.


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