May 03, 2005 19:02
ok well yesterday i hung out with Curt, Jon Stuthard, and Mase at beach school, we held flyers for curts lil brothers little embassoder raising money thingy and yay ... we climbed many fences and curt got stuck on all of lmao lol he almost ripped his balls of..almost peed my pants lol.. then i ripped my pants on the fences even funnier lol ....
today went to school and hung out wit like the other 7 people that went lol and ya that was basiccaly it oh and for thoose of you skippers Mrs.Stahl is out for the kill for those who skipped lol... haha we got this lecture from mrs. O about it hahaha!
{Would you smile if....
¤ Would you smile if i told you I loved you?
¤ Would you smile if I gave you the bigggest hug in history?
¤ Would you smile forever if we never stopped being friends?