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speep June 22 2011, 09:43:29 UTC
hi, so um, I saw the art you did for bbb this year, and your style is kind of awesome. I hope you don't mind if I follow you, I'd love to see more of it! ♥ (I mean, this post! cravats!! :D )


look_alive June 22 2011, 12:00:18 UTC
Hey! Dude, you can totally friend me, I'll friend you right back. Your bbb piece makes me SO happy.

The easiest way to see the rest of my stuff is to use my "art" or "draw gud yes" tags, that should cover it (and I'm a huge attention-seeker, so this thrills me jsyk). Bigger versions are at my blogspot (link at the bottom of this post), should you feel so inclined.

I'm on my phone at work right now, so I can't really go looking, but what's the best way to find your stuff?

And hi, cravat appreciation? You can stay, please. ♥


speep June 22 2011, 12:52:14 UTC
:D :D :D yay! (and aww, thank you dude. I had fun colouring that one)

I'm def going to look through those tags! your style is so much rad (where on earth have you been hiding, i don't know how I've missed seeing your art around fandom before!)

i used to post all my arts to LJ, so my art tag and bandom tags but now I just post everything to my tumblr. whoo tumblr.

and unf, cravats were maybe 90% of what my participation in bandom revolved around. no, really. It was kind of embarassing (except not really. cravats and waistcoats and tailcoats, oh my.)


look_alive June 22 2011, 14:23:24 UTC
Hah um. Yeah, Mikey's face in your bbb piece is my current favorite thing about the world.

I... am not really in fandom. Like, at all, really. I was thrown forcefully at bandfic back in November by a friend (is the short version) and the Into The Woods series I'm working on for manipulant is about as close as I've come to like, interacting. I was talked into the bbb thing, the idea of which I love and got all excited about, but honestly it made me kind of crazy and self-conscious and I feel like my piece was so sub-par. ...Urgh. But yeah, you haven't seen me because I've been basically nonexistent (which I assume is also why I haven't seen you). Recently I've been considering a little more involvement, just cuz I sorta wanna post my lame little comics. Maybe. Idk.

I'll check out your links as soon as I get home in a couple hours. Wow, this is weird. I never talk to other drawing-types. :D


speep June 23 2011, 01:16:46 UTC
I love drawing mikeyway, for some reason he is so unbelievably easy to get looking right (Frank on the otherhand? ugh. so haaaaard to draw.)

That would explain why I haven't seen you around! I've been in bandom, kind of, since 2008? mostly I just draw people in bands, and participate in BBB each year. Your pieces for BBB were awesome btw, loved them so much! Some of my favourite art from this year, easily :D [I also think BBB needs an artist support group, you would not believe how helpful it was (for my sanity!) this year having a lot of friends doing art for bbb too.]

I've been slowly slowly working through your art (there's so much! it's all so good!) but work takes up so much of my spare time these days. Forgive me if I'm kind of slow!


look_alive June 23 2011, 03:41:04 UTC
I don't usually draw actual likenesses. At all. Ever. Like, I'll spend awhile paging through all my band pics on my laptop and then I'll draw and there will be some uncanny similarities or whatever, but the few times I've been asked "Hey could you draw so and so doing such and such? :D? :D?" I've had minor nervous breakdowns about it. ...And yet Mikeyway: Unicorn Warrior prevailed. Idk, I had a hard time with bbb, just since it was supposed to be actual likenesses, and it made me SO self conscious.

I've been reading band fic since, uh. November? Last year. Idk, it still weirds me out a little, honestly. I've liked bands like FOB and MCR and even Panic! since they had their first albums and were just these weird, angry kids driving around in crappy vans. I guess I knew people wrote fic about them, but I never thought about it much. At the risk of sounding like a snobby bitch, it... still kinda makes me a little uncomfortable. I have authors I love, so I keep reading it, but every once in awhile I'll have this O.O moment. Idk. It tends ( ... )


speep June 23 2011, 04:10:56 UTC
That's kind of where I was at pre-bandom. I think the fun thing about bandom for me was it challenged me to draw likenesses and stuff. I used to be fair generic in my art, now it's like a personal mission to make people look like the people they're supposed to.

and yeah, I get you on that. Bandom for me is more about flailing about bands I like, and drawing mostly generic fanart. I read some fic, but not actually all that much. I haven't been too involved in the fic!side of bandom, most of my bandom peeps art artists? :D I just really enjoy doing bbb, I like illustrating stories.

I work in the ski industry (idek how/why, I don't ski.) and it's winter here atm so I don't even have time at work for slacking off online/drawing (this reply is coming to you from my lunch break :D) so i have to wait till I'm home, and that wont be till late. sad times.


look_alive June 23 2011, 04:23:41 UTC
Idk, I'm just kinda... neurotic. Like, the hardest part of bbb for me was having this fic by someone who doesn't know me, doesn't know how I operate, which meant that so as not to look like a huge douche, I should probably actually draw something that looked related to their story, rather than just inspired-by kinda stuff. Usually I just kinda draw whatever, and a lot of time it's based around stories or music, but it's still pretty loose ( ... )


speep June 23 2011, 04:59:14 UTC
I'm always a bit worried about that, but then people tell me I should shut up, as if the author will hate it. etc. I feel that should also apply to you, you drew awesome stuff, your author loved it, success! :D ( ... )


look_alive June 23 2011, 05:26:17 UTC
Yeah, no, you're totally right. It's one of those things where I feel like I have to freak out about their reaction, but it's mostly for posterity in the end. I just felt so lucky that I got a good fic, let alone one I really legitimately liked. I think I was so relieved that the piece I drew turned into this giant OHGOD THANK YOU FOR NOT SUCKING homage in my head ( ... )


speep June 23 2011, 06:01:44 UTC
sometimes you get fic that is just uninspiring. Which kind of bites. But hey, usually you can find something in it to draw, I don't like to idk, let them down by dropping their fic or something; they worked hard, it just wasn't my thing? I'm glad you enjoyed your fic! :D :D (I drew for some killer fic my first year, one was like Monster's Inc AU, and I got to draw tiny green dinosaur pete :D best ( ... )


look_alive June 23 2011, 06:49:45 UTC
Yeah, I guess my theory was that I might not get a fic I liked so much, but that I wasn't too concerned with that, I just wanted to draw for someone. So when it turned out I really DID like the fic, it was this huge bonus. And yeah, frustrating because I'm not used to adhering to guidelines very tightly, but my work is so, so much better if I'm doing it FOR someone. That's why nearly every piece I have as a little blurb crediting someone or whatever. I just enjoy it more if I know it's going somewhere ( ... )


speep June 23 2011, 07:26:09 UTC
I work surprisingly quickly on art, so i've done art for 11 fic in the three years I participated on bbb; pinch hitting and claiming another once i was finished with one etc. Some of them were my favourite things ever, some not so much; but I liked all the art I did for them? I think it was because I just feel like hey, the author must have worked really hard on their fic right? so I should work really hard on their art too ( ... )


look_alive June 23 2011, 08:43:54 UTC
I'm pretty quick, but my problem is how I want to do EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING EVER. So it's this constant battle of prioritizing. I wanted to do more bbb in the first wave (I'm signed up for second wave, too), but I was literally right in the middle of the last few pieces I did and when I'm going, I'm... uh. Zealous. Might be a good word. The one I did for Hey Gravity!/An Inch From The Ground was basically eating up my brain until it was out on paper, and by then it was a couple of days to the bbb artist deadline. I'm hoping the second wave will give me more opportunity to push myself into working directly from the source material. ...Feel free to pressure me about this, it helps.

Yeah, like. ...Ugh, okay, I'm trying not to get super-wordy-opiniony here. Once the personal background stuff starts to play heavily into the story, I have serious trouble reading it as just a story and not some fangirl's agenda manifesto. I like that nice, safe wall of separation where it's still just fictionYeah, the glee never wears off. Twelve years of ( ... )


speep June 23 2011, 13:05:23 UTC
I'll totally be around to prod you in the right direction; you might be able to actually encourage me to stay in for wave two. I'm feeling a bit burnt out on it all.
Usually I draw way more, like in my first year I drew for five fic; but this year I was a bit anaemic and didn't know? so I was pretty exhausted for most of the month. whoops. I only had the energy/time for one fic. Sadness ( ... )


look_alive June 23 2011, 17:45:34 UTC
Yeah, I respond very well to peer-pressure and like, mass amounts of validation. It's a little gross how much hand-holding I require to create shit in a fandom forum. And I'll totally return the favor if you like, sure. Literally nobody but the bbb mods and cloudlessclimes had seen my piece before it got posted, so it'd be interesting to see how it works with more feedback. Also, since I'm sure you got the email and therefore would understand- this is what happens when I have too much time on my hands. It felt like a challenge.

Okay, your pieces for the five fic are SO CUTE. GUH. I can't even. The way you handle expression makes me happy. And the fact that you obviously have a very distinct style you seem comfortable with.

I love me some stage gay, not gonna lie, but yeah. It was stage gay for a reason, people. But okay- watching Conor Oberst basically make out with his lead guitar for most of a song was pretty fucking entertaining. I love how I see MCR, Black Cards/Travie, and Patrick Stump (I'm pretty sure he and Matt Rubano have little music- ( ... )


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