Assorted oddities and moral dilemmas.

Feb 23, 2011 11:15

Or like, if I actually bothered having moral dilemmas in the first place.

The question is-
When you're keeping a kid company while she has homicidal auditory hallucinations, is it morally reprehensible to completely thrash her at Uno?

Whatever, she didn't really seem to mind.

On a completely different topic, I'm having a really embarrassing amount of trouble trying to decide if I wanna post this yet or not, so I'm just gonna do it. Impatient or whatever.

Of course, now I'm gonna completely freak out that it's not time yet, but OH MY GOD seriously, what even is my logic? Calling it logic is probably giving it way too much credit, anyway. I just feel bad posting the picture all by itself! It'll be all exposed and lonely and self-conscious slapped up on the internet without companion pieces to share your scrutiny!
...Holy fuck, H. Project much?

lake without boats. what a catch

In which look_alive is subtle like a brick to the face.
In which look_alive continues to draw her own shoes.
In which look_alive misses Lake Michigan. ...Wait, what?

Annnnd gesture drawings!

I had an hour before morning staff showed up last Tuesday, so I put Dominoes and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Fame on repeat four times. It was like a party for my pencil!

Gasp. Shock. I can draw women. Even if these ones just look like enthusiastic croquis.

Oh, and if anyone has any prompts/ideas for me? That'd be awesome. I have an epic crapton of costume idea stuff I wanna draw, and not enough... context. Idk. My trends are pretty evident and I know these things are relevant to at least a couple of your interests out there.

chicago: less shitty minus the retail, draw gud yes, art, i am the motherfucking fun-ruiner!, picspam, omg like wtf nobody understands me!!1, i'mma totally save the fucking world, work in the land of port

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