(no subject)

May 14, 2007 09:23

If you have a penchant for paranormal detective (horror?) stories, check this out: http://www.johndiesattheend.com/a.html
Have only read this first page so far myself but I like the style. Very brooding.

Have some good news- no, not that we finally handed back the old house and have unpacked at the new although we have. And that IS good.
Oh- that reminds me- looking at having a housewarming shindig in a couple of weekends, I'll consult with Metin/Melissa and get back to you...

Have started playing soccer again. Had a couple of seasons off and BY GOD it shows.
Even though I'm only mucking around in O Grade- the most casual of amatuer beginning grades- I still get stuffed by the second half.
Might also have something to do with trying to mark 3 guys at once as most of the team doesn't know what "marking a player" is. Not bitching- it's funny to watch, kinda like watching under 8's play- a big scrum of them all move in a giant mob up and down the field.
Well it's not that bad but it is in that direction of skill level.

So yeah, 3 games. 3 injuries. Heh I suck :D
Bought new boots, might help a little. At least with the ankle rolling.

It's always the tools, right?

My fascination with computer games seems to be abating a tad- find myself more interested in doing other things. Still hesitating to actually get out and DO them but thought must precede action in any case. Might also be the quality of computer games coming out- played Titans Quest, a shinier version of Diablo... but a bit of a letdown in the story department.
No cutscenes or anything when you win- or even during. Very little story exposition past the intro scene. Goes something like this:
Monsters are breaking out and attacking people in the Ancient World (Greece, Egypt, Babylon)
after not having been seen for years.
Gods don't seem to be helping, you fail to contact them.
You spend 20 ours running around the above continents (to be fair there are also a few interesting bits of mythology woven into the mini quests and whatnot) to encounter the same "Oh no! Monsters! Help us! story"
It seems the goal of the monsters is to free the Last Titan who will then go pound the snot out of the Gods. The Titan is freed. You pound the Titan. Zeus (LITERALLY- voiceover and scrolling text) says "Thanks- seems humans can now look after themselves." Game over.

Sorry if I spoiled that for anyone but it's just a very weak story progression and ending. In fact I may return it and trade it for the Fallout Compilation :D

If you've stuck with me this long- the good news is I've now finished Uni.
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