Mar 04, 2004 21:46
Frank x Cassel: the c in mc^2 stands for crack
where it lands: thanks i never knew that
where it lands: im glad i do now
Frank x Cassel: do you actually know what it stands for?
where it lands: no haha
Frank x Cassel: ahhhhhhhh
where it lands: hahaha
where it lands: ITS A CONSPIRACY
where it lands: whats m be initials
where it lands: like mc hammer
Frank x Cassel: im gonna fight this damn key in about 4.35 seconds
where it lands: hahhaa
Frank x Cassel: hey ruth, i bet you dont know my middle name
where it lands: hey jeb. i bet i dont
where it lands: ruth and jeb are such hick names
Frank x Cassel: jeb?
Frank x Cassel: haha yeah
where it lands: yeah it came to my head first
Frank x Cassel: well ruth is your middle name
where it lands: ruth and jeb, have no teeth and never brush their hair and wear dirty overalls every day
Frank x Cassel: jeb is short for jebadiah right?
where it lands: maybe ? i dont know haha
Frank x Cassel: jeb beats ruth
Frank x Cassel: on a regular basis
Frank x Cassel: and drinks tons of cheap beer
where it lands: yeah and moonshine
Frank x Cassel: he makes moonshine
where it lands: in his bathtub
where it lands: mixes it with a baseball bat
where it lands: then beats ruth with the same bat
Frank x Cassel: hahahaha
Frank x Cassel: a baseball bat?
where it lands: mhm
Frank x Cassel: the bat he uses to beat ruth
where it lands: or a stick that he pulledo f the nearest tree. the bat was closer when he was drunk though
where it lands: which is all the time
Frank x Cassel: yeah of course
where it lands: and he has a big beer gut and chews on hay
where it lands: and spits into a tin thing that makes that cool sound you hear in movies
Frank x Cassel: ruth just makes pies all day
where it lands: im getting too wild wild west now
Frank x Cassel: yeah but still
where it lands: a spitoon!
Frank x Cassel: he likes chewing tobacco
where it lands: yeah ruth bakes apple pies
Frank x Cassel: and the 4 teeth he has are black
where it lands: and wears the same apron everywhere, even to bed
Frank x Cassel: yep
where it lands: and has a big mole on her face
Frank x Cassel: do they live in a cabin ot trailer?
where it lands: a rotting farmhouse
Frank x Cassel: jeb has a huge mullet as well
where it lands: and you have to get use a step stool to get in the front door because the front porch fell off
Frank x Cassel: and a truck from 1917
Frank x Cassel: they live in alabama
where it lands: and everynight they play chess and listen to the scratchy radio
where it lands: and he gets drunk
Frank x Cassel: chess?
where it lands: and he drinks coffee
where it lands: and they eat pie
where it lands: not chess, checkers
Frank x Cassel: do they know how to play chess?
Frank x Cassel: ok
where it lands: no theyre too dumb for chess
Frank x Cassel: and its missing half the pieces
Frank x Cassel: i thoguht so
Frank x Cassel: thought
where it lands: yeah and the black ones are gray and the red ones are pink
Frank x Cassel: haha
where it lands: and they carved the checker board into their coffee table because the dog ate the board
Frank x Cassel: what would there age be?
where it lands: so jeb shot him
where it lands: mid forties
Frank x Cassel: 40s or so?
where it lands: but they look 4587897523 older
Frank x Cassel: yeah
Frank x Cassel: ofcourse
where it lands: and they have 4375032 kids like the hicks on the simpsons
Frank x Cassel: and they all imbreed
Frank x Cassel: ruth is actually jebs cousin
where it lands: yeah and so they have mutant kids
Frank x Cassel: yeah and its gross
where it lands: the youngest has 7 toes on one foot
where it lands: and theyre webbed too
Frank x Cassel: yeah
Frank x Cassel: his name is bobby ray
where it lands: the oldest has 3 nostrils and her same is may beth
Frank x Cassel: then theres 9896895 middle children
where it lands: then there are lots of middle children who jeb and ruth didnt name because they couldnt keep up with how often they popped out
where it lands: but all their names ended in ray or beth
Frank x Cassel: jebs catch phrase is "woman, get in the kitchen and make me some dinner"
Frank x Cassel: he says it all day
Frank x Cassel: even in the morning
where it lands: even when he wants breakfast
Frank x Cassel: yeah
where it lands: and after a long (2 hour) day on the farm he comes in and stirs his alc with a baseball bat
where it lands: and everyone is really dirty because they cant take baths so they swim in a moldy little pond
Frank x Cassel: his kids steal it but hes too drunk to notice
where it lands: and they smell like fish
Frank x Cassel: the swimming hole
where it lands: and they all have liver dammage
Frank x Cassel: haha
Frank x Cassel: moonshines brutal
where it lands: the swimming hole has a rope swing but its only 2 feet deep so all the kids have brain dammage from forgetting and still using it
Frank x Cassel: hahahaha
Frank x Cassel: the water has sars in it
where it lands: theyre canadian hicks too though they migrated because they were socially unacceptable up in the sticks of canada so they all say ehhhh
where it lands: in a southern accent
where it lands: to fit in
Frank x Cassel: they make maple syrup
where it lands: mmm sars, all the kids have boils all over them that need to be drained weekly with leeches from the swimming hole
Frank x Cassel: thats just gross
where it lands: yeah they have maple syrup with every meal
where it lands: hahahha yeahhh but it could happen
where it lands: even on chicken and rice
Frank x Cassel: oh it does happen
Frank x Cassel: haha
Frank x Cassel: no
where it lands: and they eat grits morning noon and nigh
where it lands: t
Frank x Cassel: they have chicken and rice with theyre syrup
where it lands: theyre up to their necks in grits and maple syrup
Frank x Cassel: haha
where it lands: instead of juice, they have syrup
where it lands: instead of fruit, grits
where it lands: all the kids are porkers
Frank x Cassel: if the sink in there house worked maple syrup would come out of it
where it lands: hahaha
where it lands: best story ever. this should be a tv show
Frank x Cassel: then jeb randomly discovers a way to mix the syrup with the moonshine
Frank x Cassel: and they sell it and get rich
where it lands: and move to nyc
Frank x Cassel: beverly hillbillies style
Frank x Cassel: only in nyc
where it lands: and live in a penthour apartment
where it lands: penthouse*
where it lands: and jeb still makes his moonshine and ruth still bakes her pies
where it lands: only now the kids are skinny from walking around the city
where it lands: oh wait ! even better....they have their house brought to the city because they cant part with it, and they set up camp in central park
Frank x Cassel: and they all get dentures
Frank x Cassel: hahahaa yes
where it lands: then one night they get mugged and all die. the end.
where it lands: except bobby ray
Frank x Cassel: and they get tons of nice stuff for it
Frank x Cassel: haha aww
where it lands: who inherits the family fortune
where it lands: and uses it all for phsychiatric help
where it lands: ...and a sex change
Frank x Cassel: and for the dentist
where it lands: yes
where it lands: and a good plastic surgeon
where it lands: and moonshine
Frank x Cassel: and hes really brad pitt now
Frank x Cassel: brad pitt is bobby ray
where it lands: he totally fooled jennifer anniston
where it lands: if she only knew she was married to a hick
Frank x Cassel: haha sucker
Frank x Cassel: an imbread hick at that
where it lands: a candian hick at that
where it lands: hahaha
Frank x Cassel: haha
where it lands: a candian imbred hick
where it lands: that is
Frank x Cassel: eww
where it lands: haha
Frank x Cassel: its terrible
where it lands: he controls himself when it comes to saying ehhh very well
Frank x Cassel: were selling this story to the inquirer
where it lands: we seriously should
Frank x Cassel: its better then the stuff thats usually in it
where it lands: definately
Frank x Cassel: more true anyways