Apr 11, 2004 10:37
Anywho, my bratty came in a malenky bit late. From the look on his litso, he wanted to filly with his gloopy online poker.
ah I was a malenky bit razdraz but at the same time I wanted to smeck. Shilarny in poker online? Aye not my thing. My Malchick cousin danilo IMed me and govoreeted with me. Uncle george is a lighter, so we will wait till hes pyahnitsa and then crast his klootch to his darango 95. Ahh what a plan! Danilo and I are dobby malenky lewdies and we are responsible :). So on an off chance that a millicent comes along we will speed off hehehe.
At the moment I want to ookadeet! My shilarny is to smot my horrorshow fountain. Any of you droogies want to join me? I was thinkin about the summer after graduation then we can viddy the fountain and maybe itty to london? We're only nadsats once in our malenky lives. So why sneety? Why not viddy our sneetys? Well let me know.
I was so happy to slooshy from chris = )! We need to govoreet more often! Well I'll viddy you all later happy chickety day.
<3 malenky leanne