Jan 05, 2006 14:32
It should be said that although I am extremely happy with my grades as they are posted at this moment....
Yes, my friends, Prof. Janet Eckhardt, who is no Dr. Zelle, is the only thing standing between me and a perfect 4.0 in my first semester of college. Because she hasn't put up my grade yet. And it's driving me nuts. The aforementioned 4.0 could be either a good thing or bad. I'm gonna have to refer to list form for this one:
I studied a lot and worked hard and yay!
All that "sorry, can't go to a party and get drunk tonight, Joanna, I've got to...er...study"ing finally paid off
School is too easy?
Could be used as proof that I don't have a life...which I do, it just doesn't seem like it sometimes
I'm gonna settle that most of my classes were music stuff that I already knew.
And now I'm gonna get off this topic.
In review: Holiday Season '05
-got home from school...okay
-Christmas w/ the fam...funish
-Second Christmas with just Mum and Dad...extremely fun
-Third Christmas when I went up to Darrins...extremely fun/soft (cause I got sweaters and really really AWESOME PANTS!!!!!!)
-Fourth Christmas when Becky and Scott and Darrin and I went down to Mum and Dad's for New Years...a little less than extremely fun, but still a respectable time
-New Years Eve, forgetting to lock the car so having to turn around on the Metro to lock it, getting to Alexandria after eleven, sitting on the steps of the Masonic Temple watching fireworks with the coolest kid ever then making fun of all the drunk people while looking for a Quiznos or something else entirely random to get a non alcoholic beverage at...priceless/aMAZing
-puking in the car on the way to drive Darrin back to the airport...only slightly goodish cause Darrin held my hair back, and that was a super nice thing to do, so he gets the good boyfriend of the year award
-puking in my neighbor's yard after getting back from driving Darrin to the airport...yeah, that just sucked
P.S. I puked in a bag in the car, and my Dad was driving, so my car doesn't in fact smell, and there was no automotive hazards on the highway.
P.P.S. I wasn't drunk...I had a fight with some overly acidy marinara sauce and the sauce won
So there's my little overshare for the holiday season. Happy Belated New Year!