Jul 10, 2010 22:36
My apartment is too hot and I'm craving something cold and fizzy.
I found green suede docs today at Goodwill for $3.25. 1461 3 eye shoes and I have no idea what I'll wear them with.
Last night I went up to Santa Cruz With Pete to hang out with Sophia and see Forrest Day. We walked up and down Pacific like 3 times to kill time and then we walked to her place and back. Not so far but by the end of the night my hip was hurting so bad I was limping hardcore. Bah. My mom said before she had her hip replaced the pain was right at the front of the joint. That's right where mine is too. Luckily I don't have any problems bending to sit, and it doesn't feel like I'm scraping bone against bone or anything. I just can't walk for too long or I'm in pain. Especially lifting my leg to take another step. WELP. I'm trying to take it easy this weekend and hopefully It'll feel better.