Nov 23, 2007 20:19
Journal Entry, November 23rd, 2007
Things aren't nearly well enough for me. I should be satisfied with what I have. Had a few great weeks and then, like usual, I just had to fucking pushing Dean. Had to fucking push him farther than he was willing to go and, of course, he ran. Course, he wouldn't say it was running. He'd say that he was finishing his training with Parvati's blessings and such. He'd say that it's just a break so we can both wrap our heads around the shifting dynamics. He'd say that we're back to normal.
I say, fuck you. Christ but I'm beyond furious at him. I told him, I fucking well told him that if thought everything was going to get fucked in the head, then we weren't going to be changing shit. Would he listen? Oh fuck no, wouldn't want to do that, now would he? Oh no, he knew more than God Himself so now I'm here, he's there, and we've got awkward owls and too many miles to count between us.
It's about time that I move on. This on and off and on and off and on and off and on and off thing is killing me, fucking well killing me. Met a lass at Harry and Hermione's party. She was nice enough and there's not a load of drama there. Most important part is that she ain't Dean.
I'm thinking that it's about time I expand the offerings at The Anchor. We've the staff and the history now. I think we can get in better bands. Maybe my cousin would be willing to send some my way. I'll have to ring him and see. Plenty of opportunity and it's not like I don't have the time to be doing it.