Weekend Not as Planned

Nov 29, 2009 14:35

The final posted total of Amur Tiger pictures was 88, with 38 of them being mine. The difference is probably due to Ron having the camera that writes to the card faster. Pictures at: http://dracos-otter-pictures.blogspot.com/2009/11/friday-otter-and-i-went-to-brookfield.html Mind, this is not all the good pictures, these are the best of the good ones. If that makes sense.

Yesterday I ran down to the Schaumburg B&N to pick up a book I'd reserved, and we came home with more than just that one. I realized we hadn't cataloged books in a while, so we spent a couple hours on that. Still many many to do, but there was progress in certain areas, and in the process Ron cleaned up one of the bedroom bookshelves.

At 4 AM today, we realized that Eowyn is sick. The fact that she'd slept with Ron all night long and hadn't objected to him snuggling up should have been a hint. Unfortunately, it's pneumonia. Again. Her previous bout was a bit over three years ago, I thought it was longer ago. Don't ask the cost, it wasn't pretty, even without an overnight stay for IV antibiotics or bronchial lavage (rinsing the lungs out, essentially).

As a consolation prize for missing an R-I-D-E, Elrond went out with Robin and I running errands.

pictures & photography, dogs

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