The Weekend In Review

Aug 10, 2009 07:09

Ron talked me into creating, in part, another e-book.  Gutenberg has the very first Boy Scouts Handbook, from 1911, but not as an ePub.  I'm guessing that's due, in part, to the large number of pictures it contains.  So I started poking at it.  Unfortunately, we had the clever idea to use a page size in InDesign that would match the screen size of the Sony Reader.  I say "unfortunately", because the process of converting it for Digital Editions (ie: ePub format) assumes a US-letter size page.  Regardless.  And it scales images to match - so the images ended up much smaller than intended.  Double-unfortunately, we didn't figure this out until I'd converted the first two long picture-rich chapters.  Oops.

Our shift at the Northern Illinois Beekeeper's Assoc. booth at the McHenry County fair went well.  Not many honey  sales (main club fundraiser), but there wasn't a lot of people-traffic to sell to.  I don't know if they weren't coming into the building we were in, or if it was a general attendance thing.  Shift confirmed that an observation hive is a Very Cool Thing.

It was very hot and sticky, but it was slightly cooler in our semi-air-conditioned building.  Because of the weather, we only got to the fair about an hour and a half early.  Cruised through one sheep barn, and by some other stuff.  I tried on and fell in love with the Can-Am Spyder (, essentially a snowmobile with wheels.  Drool drool.  I know what I want for a new motorcycle-ish thing.  Pity I'm not feelthy steeenking rich (although the price is not actually into filthy-rich territory).  I was somewhat surprised by the almost complete lack of horses at the fair, except for one exhibit/mega-pony-ride of Percherons.  Not like the fair I attended as a kid.

Yesterday we discovered that either one of the 5-gallon water bottles or the downstairs water cooler had been leaking.  Upon reflection, we suspect the water cooler.  That corner is now damp with patches mildewy and rust-stained.  Large fan applied, as well as Clorox's version of Oxy-Clean powder.  More Oxy-Clorox will be applied via Kirby's carpet cleaning attachment in the near future - dunno if the oxy part will be much help, but I trust the Clorox bleach content to deal with the mildew.

Other than that, we hid from the heat in the bedroom, to which the dogs agreed.

pdas and e-readers, bees, personal-ish

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