Bees . . . Not

Apr 21, 2010 15:55

As I mentioned earlier, a couple weeks ago I ordered a package of bees to replace the colony in one hive that didn't make it through the winter. Then Ron built the new top-bar hive, and I was able to add a second package onto my order (and without having to mail a second deposit).

The bees were scheduled to arrive the 20th or later. So, being optimistic, I've been waiting for my phone to ring saince Monday. And, looking at the weather for the next week (cold and rainy), we were REALLY hoping they'd be in todaay. The Dadant office in Watertown, WI is a good two hours from home, and it's 30-45 minutes from work to home, and IIRC they close at five. So, by lunchtime I was pretty antsy.

To add to the fun, today we took our kinda-secretary out for lunch ("kinda" because she works for a different section, but is nice and keeps us from insanity). I was half-expecting to get the call to come get bees once the waitress took our order. No such luck.

About 3:00, Ron tried calling (I kept getting a busy signal). He had phone-fu and got through. Bees delayed about a week by inclement weather in California, they'll call us a day or two before arrival.

Back to waiting . . .

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