Religion again

Feb 15, 2006 20:18

I hate my religion teacher as you guys know, I hate the class and everything. But today i was working on my project with my headphones on and he tells me to take them out. So Im like fine I wont get any work done, as it keeps me quite, I was right, I didnt work, so I moved to another group were I could listen to them talk and work and hes telling me to move and ish. Then he kickes me out of class to "wait for him to tlak to me" so I told him I had to go to the washroom. When I come back, hes on the phone talking to someone about me. Then he kickes me out and sends me to the "Learning center"So after walking aorund a bit, i found it. I actually did my work bc i had my head phones in. This fag calls my mom, and i want to transfer out to a public school but my rents WONT LET ME! OMg soo damn pissed, they said ichose catholic, well you know what. I only came bc of french and vocal at the same time, right now i cant even take vocal and the french isnt too good so why not go to a school with a better french program and no uniforms or religion and ill be good? stupid adults.
Closet: Black Dress Pants, beige striped shirt, london cut off Jacket, black Pumas

closet, school

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