Summer is amazing. Simply stated. Its my favorite season. Beach, Being tan, Swimming, Friends, Laughing, Dorky, Love, Shopping, Trips, Water Parks, Being silly. Its the best. I'll be getting my permitt next week which is awesome.
Hampton was ALOT of fun. Ive been hanging out with Kelsea Andrew and Sean lately, its cool. Im so glad the usuals are still hanging out this summer at Kelseas =).
The 23rd passed not too long ago. We were in Hampton walking by all the arcades, stopped and kissed. It was memorable. Im so thankful to have had an honest loving boyfriend for over a year. With everything we've been through we've always worked through it. Im so happy that we're overcomming what was wrong. It will build the realationship that much stronger, knowing we can get through just about anything. The next 23rd we'll be in Virgina 8).
Im heading to Nates tommrow then me him and his mom are heading to Maine to meet up with his family. We're only staying till monday night. Funtown + Beach + Fireworks on the beach is going to be awesome. Im excited. Tuesdays my birthday =D. and Wendesday Nate and my girls are going to six flags =).
I have a ton of pictures -- Enjoy.
Me and Dakota before we left for Hampton
At the house in Hampton
Nate looking like a pimp, haha.
The WERID chair aka the bird cage
Matt and Jeremy
I thought it looked cool hah
So cute. Oh jeez <3 <3
So I got the nickname tweety because I was usually found in the birdcage
Nate drunk on the last night
Jeremy, commmmpleeetly out there
Beer Pong
Jeremy and Nate haha
Me and Nate hahahaha
Matt on the way home
Beach + Kelseas
Jake stole my camera and my glasses...
Putting up the volleyball net for season 2005 :)
The game
Me and Kelsea
My Big Brother
Janna at the Beach
Me and my girlly
Tuesday Nate came over
...we cuddled alot, it was needed.
Spoooned <3
Be back Tuesday =P. <3