Last Night

Jul 18, 2010 09:54

Last night I called one of my old friends to play brawl. So we ended up playing for about 2 hours straight. He and I were pretty even the matches would switch between us. I had a lot of fun, I haven't had that much fun with Brawl in a long time. So I think I'll call him next week and see if he wants to play. After I get back from Seattle of course. Which brings up another thing I want to go to Gameworks in Seattle. It's I think a giant arcade filled with games and theres like a little food stand. I want to go there, but I got to find a way to go with just Amber and myself. Well, Seattle is nearing and I hope the trip is as good as I think it would be. I'll type about the interesting stuff that happens. And I'll maybe send you some pictures Denielle. Only the one's that can't wait though since you don't have a lot of money and can't afford to waste minutes ot texts. Maybe I'll take pictures with my DSi camera and put that thing use for once. I think that'll be all for this entry.

long entry, vidya, travel, stuff

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