Jun 29, 2004 11:25
Boy has it been a long time...
I just want to say thanks to those of you who have expressed sympathies and been praying for me and my family with everything that has gone on in the last few months. It really means a lot to me- more than I can put into words at this moment. Seriously- I owe you so much more.
So in case anyone wondered about me, but didn't wonder enough to give me a call... *cough* ;)
My computer ended up out of commission- it was already going down bigtime. I have a dual boot OS, with one of them out of commission, so I thouhght I'd clean up half of it with partition magic and see if I can't get it running right. Needless to say, it died.
So I went down to visit my brother and work on the comp together, and just as I was about to head back, my fuel line developed a leak. I could smell the gas, and when I hunted for the leak, I saw spray all over the top of the tank and most of the lower right undercarriage. So I had to take care of that before I could make the 150 mile trip back. I was stranded on his couch for a week while it was repaired (they caught my car on fire in the process.)
That's part of the reason I haven't been around- the other part is that I have a new job that takes me out the road the majority of the time. I will be trecking across the US to pretty much every major festival this summer, and there are talks of picking up fall tours. Nothing glamourous, but it pays alright. We have a day off today back at home, then it's out for over a month spanning the great US- Cornerstone (IL), Lifest (WI), Sonshine (MN), Creation West (WA), Inside-Out Soulfest (NH) is the tenative schedule so far.
Feel free to give me a call sometime out on the road- I'd love to hear from quite a good number of you. Leave a voicemail if I can't pick up though so I know you called- reception isn't the greatest in some of these areas.