I am the worst thing in my own life.

Apr 06, 2009 23:16


I was talking to inarticulate. About A LOT OF TERRIBLE THINGS. And I told her about some bad thoughts I had about a Bones/SPN crossover.

And she enabled me, as she always does.


Title: Mutual Fangirling
Author: chash
Fandom: Supernatural/Bones
Pairing: HAHAHAHA by which I mean. Um. Castiel/Sweets. Mentions of Sam/Dean.
Warnings: TOTALLY RETARDED META. Bad fanfic. A fake fandom_wank post. Blasphemy.
Word Count: 1500.
Summary: Castiel thinks it would be prudent to gain some understanding.
Notes: Spoilers for Supernatural 418. Sequel to omg otp!!1!, could also be a prequel to But What Are Your Thoughts On Yaoi. If you want.
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue.

It began as simple curiosity. The best defense, as Dean had told him, was a good offense. And Castiel no longer believes he is being told everything. If there is one prophet, there could be other prophets.

"Samuel Winchester."

Sam jumps. "Holy--Castiel! Warn a guy!"

Sam is wearing a towel. Castiel wonders if he should come back later. No, this is important. "I need you to teach me about the internet."

"Um. What about it?"

"Where do I find this . . . fanfiction."

Sam stares. Castiel stares back. Dean taught him the game where the first person to blink loses; he's sure he can beat Sam at it.

"Uh. For--what fandom?"


"You don't wanna read that."

"The fate of the world could depend on it."

Sam keeps staring. Then he blinks. Castiel wins this round. "Whatever you say, I guess. Just--do you have an e-mail?"


"You know what? I'm going to need pants for this. Give me five minutes."


from Castiel
to Sam and Dean Winchester
date Thu, Mar 5, 2009
subject fandom_wank

Samuel Winchester:

wtf is this???


i heard there was a secret chord
that david played and it pleased the lord
but you don't really care for music, do you


from Sam and Dean Winchester
to Castiel
date Fri, Mar 6, 2009
subject Re: fandom_wank



from Castiel
to Sam and Dean Winchester
date Fri, Mar 6, 2009
subject Re: fandom_wank

Samuel Winchester:

i received an e-mail from my lj friend when_u_cry informing me that I had appeared on "fandom_wank."

when i asked what it was i was told to "jgi"

I do not understand.


i heard there was a secret chord
that david played and it pleased the lord
but you don't really care for music, do you


from Sam and Dean Winchester
to Castiel
date Sun, Mar 8, 2009
subject Re: fandom_wank

uh. just google it.


--do you have a livejournal?



knights_lance - LJ Comment to me

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (knights_lance) replied to a comment you left in a LiveJournal post. The comment they replied to was:
I am an angel of the lord.

Their reply was:
Listen, I'm on your side here, but I think you're taking this a bit far.


knights_lance - LJ Comment to me

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (knights_lance) replied to a comment you left in a LiveJournal post. The comment they replied to was:
You're correct; I apologize. I was overcome by my desire to interact with the story.

Their reply was:
Hey, that's fine! All fanfiction is the result of a desire to interact more fully with an author's work. Believe me, I understand the impulse. But it's important to remember your role in reality.


knights_lance - LJ Comment to me

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (knights_lance) replied to a comment you left in a LiveJournal post. The comment they replied to was:
I crossed a line.

Their reply was:
Happens to everybody, seriously. I thought your fic was really neat, and I appreciated your treatment of the Castiel character.


knights_lance - LJ Comment to me

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (knights_lance) replied to a comment you left in a LiveJournal post. The comment they replied to was:
. . . really?

Their reply was:
Totally! I was really impressed by how you had him grappling with emotions for the first time. As a psychologist I found it fascinating.


knights_lance - LJ Comment to me

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (knights_lance) replied to a comment you left in a LiveJournal post. The comment they replied to was:
That's . . . very kind of you to say.

Their reply was:
I believe in credit where credit is due. Hey, do you mind if I friend you? You seem like a cool guy.


knights_lance - LJ Comment to me

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (knights_lance) replied to a comment you left in a LiveJournal post. The comment they replied to was:
Not at all. I'd like that.

Their reply was:
Radical :D


"Uh, Dean?"


"Your angel started writing Sam/Dean."


"You know the, uh, stories? About us--doing stuff?"

"Yeah . . ."

"Castiel started writing some."

"You know it isn't April First for, like, a week, Sammy?"

"Yeah. I know."





Title: Malt Does More than Milton Can
Author: Cas
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest, intoxication.
Word Count: 5300 words.
Summary: On the night before the apocalypse, Sam and Dean get drunk together, for the last time.
Notes: Dedicated to knights_lance, for being a true friend. This is my first fanfiction of a sexual nature; please forgive any mistakes. Title from A.E. Housman.
Disclaimer: I do not technically own Dean or Sam.


from Sam and Dean Winchester
to Castiel
date Wed, Mar 25, 2009
subject uhhhhhhhh

Castiel seriously did you write porn about us?


from Castiel
to Sam and Dean Winchester
date Wed, Mar 25, 2009
subject Re: uhhhhhhhh

there was significant pressure from my fans

i heard there was a secret chord
that david played and it pleased the lord
but you don't really care for music, do you


"You broke him!" says Dean.

"How is this my fault!"

"You gave him an e-mail!"

"I didn't tell him to start writing porn about us!"

"It's still your fault!"

"It is not!"

Bobby raises his eyebrows. "Boys, if you're not too busy, we've still got an apocalypse coming."

"Oh," says Sam. "Right."


Lance: Hey, Cas, you there?
me: Yes, Lance?
Lance:Listen, there's something I need to tell you.
I haven't been completely honest with you.
me: In what sense?
Lance: I'm not really just another fan of Dr. Brennan's work.
I really know her.
I work for the FBI.
Sent at 8:50 PM on Monday
Look, I know you don't have any reason to believe me, but I'm telling the truth. I really like you, and I want to be honest with you.
You can google me.
My real name is Lance Sweets. You can google me.
I swear I'm telling you the truth.
Lance is no longer online.


"Dean, I really think you should see him. We met on the internet. He's very knowledgeable in his field."

"On the internet?" scoffs Dean. "Whatever. He's probably a dude. They're always dudes on the internt."

"Dean, he just said it was a dude."

"Oh. Huh."

"He works with the FBI."

Sam stares. "The same FBI who wants us dead? That FBI?"

"Hey, they don't all want us dead. Remember the hot scientist chick from the poltergeist case?"

"Dr. Brennan was with the Jeffersonian Institute, Dean, not the FBI. And her partner almost shot us."

"Dr. Brennan!" says Castiel. "She is an associate of Lance's."

"Wait, hold on a sec, Lance? Your internet friend's name is Lance?"

"Yes, and?"

"You're spending all your time writing gay porn about me and Sam and buddying around with a guy you met online named Lance and you haven't fallen yet?"

"The Lord does not concern himself with homosexuality."

"Gay incest!"

Castiel blinks. "I thought you meant me and Lance."

"You're dating the guy?"

Castiel looks kind of shifty. "He wrote me a sonnet."

Dean sighs. "Jesus Christ."


"You're really them, aren't you?" says Lance.

"Oh god, Cas is dating an underage dude he picked up on Livejournal."

"Hey, I might look young, but I have more PhDs than both of you put together."

"That's not hard," says Sam. "Is Dr. Brennan around? I've got some bones I saved for her."

"Sammy! You saved bones?"

"Just a couple! For science, Dean!"

"Wow," says Lance, "you know, I can already see why people think you're gay."


Title: World Enough and Time [1/???]
Author: deansangel34 and knights_lance
Fandom: Supernatural/Bred to the Bone
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Reichs/Ryan, Castiel/OMC
Rating: NC-17 overall
Warnings: Incest, homosexuality, all the good stuff.
Word Count: 8000 in this part.
Summary: The apocalypse is coming, whether Sam and Dean like it or not, and they need help to fight it. Luckily, Castiel has a contact in the FBI.
Notes: Our first collaboration! We hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: All these characters belong to their Creator.

bones, supernatural, sweets/castiel

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