Sep 05, 2020 01:30

I kind of dig that name, it makes it sound like I have the tastiest masterpost ever. Anyway! I do not foresee there ever being a time when I make a new LJ masterpost. It is just not something I have any desire to do, because Delicious is working really well for me. If it does not work for you, I really am sorry :( I decided a masterpost not everyone used was better than a masterpost that was never ever updated.

AS OF 3/18/2012, I am retired from SPN/J2 fandom. Fics will remain up, and new fic will be posted here, but I am done with those fandoms.

For those of you unfamiliar with Delicious, the tagging system is stackable, which I really like. So, for example, if you go into the CWRPF tag, then on the right side it will have a list of related tags, marked with a + before them, and you can narrow down your search. You can add as many of these tags as you want. So, if you do fandom:CWRPF + genre:crack + rating:nc-17, you will see what I have decided is cracky porn.

[Caveat: The genre tags really might be useful only to me. But they work really well for me!]

Here are the fandom tags!
-Anne of Green Gables: Delicious and Pinboard
-Arashi (CWRPF crossover only): Delicious and Pinboard
-Arcadia: Delicious and Pinboard
-Big Bang Theory: Delicious and Pinboard
-Bones: Delicious and Pinboard
-CWRPF: AU on Delicious/AU on Pinboard and Non-AU on Delicious/Non-AU on Pinboard
-Friday Night Lights: Delicious and Pinboard
-General RPF (non-CW focus): Delicious and Pinboard
-Glee: Delicious and Pinboard
-Harry Potter: Delicious and Pinboard
-Sherlock Holmes (2009): Delicious and Pinboard
-Honey and Clover: Delicious and Pinboard
-iCarly (Supernatural crossover fic only): Delicious and Pinboard
-The Invention of Love: Delicious and Pinboard
-Jonas Brothers RPS Delicious and Pinboard
-Leverage: Delicious and Pinboard
-Psych: Delicious and Pinboard
-Runaways: Delicious and Pinboard
-SmallvilleDelicious and Pinboard
-Supernatural: Delicious and Pinboard

Other tags of potential interest:
-Fic memes (note: does not contain all fic memes right now, but I hope to go back and do that soon--does have all the holiday ones): Delicious and Pinboard
-Podfic (goes to Audiofic Archive)
-Chash picks (my favorite fics of mine): Delicious and Pinboard
- Verses I am no longer updating

The old masterpost is here, and has not been updated since 2009. FML.

Contact and policies and stuff

1. There are three friends-locked fics on this journal. If you would like access, I ask that you friend me first. This is because I do mass friendings once every couple of weeks (as I am often get notifs when I am not at a computer from which I can access LJ) and the way that I make sure I friended everyone I was supposed to is to check the friends and friends-of are the same number. For this reason, I also unfriend people who unfriend me. If I unfriend you and you haven't unfriended me, just send me an e-mail or drop an LJ comment and I will correct it posthaste. You don't have to ask before friending me--just go right ahead!

2. If you want to get in touch with me, please e-mail me! My e-mail is chashi[at]gmail[dot]com. I no longer accept LJ messages, as I actually hate the entire LJ messaging system. Please e-mail me instead.

3. If you want to podfic something of mine, chances are very good I will say yes! But I do ask that you drop me an e-mail first to check that no one else has already expressed an interest. Barring that, I will almost certainly say yes.

4. I'm not very comfortable with translations, and would prefer to not have them. setissma outlined her feelings on this here, and I'm stealing it because I pretty much agree with her. So, yes, I would prefer to not have translations done of my fics. Sorry!
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