
Dec 26, 2009 11:22

I finished watching Saiyuki season 1 on Wednesday, and I waited 1 day before I started season 2.  I don't think its just the subbing on this one, cause i'm completely confused period.  The subbing is totally like reading a book and not a comic, yet sometimes the words are in the wrong order.

I was instructed to wait a while before watching second season due to this reason, but I've never watch anime with this text, so it would be confusing even if I waited a little while.   I think my favorite quote on this subbing is "What is up on earth?" I'm pretty sure they mean "what on earth is up?"  but my normal subs would of probably said "what the hell is wrong with you?"

I always find it funny to see cuss words in anime, cause I spoke with my japanese friend, and they don't have cuss words in their language.  Baka or idiot is the worst they get.  So it really puts it in contexts when you watch anime and have cussing all through it lol.  Go subbers!
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