The Loneliness of Birthdays (3/3)

Jan 21, 2012 17:14

Title: The Loneliness of Birthdays (3/3)
Author: lbc
Disclaimer: See part one
Note: Happy Birthday to our 67 year old lad.

Doyle had always been able to do more than one thing at a time, and now he put that faculty to good use. As he rushed towards London, his anxious mind thought back to his relationship with Bodie. He just knew that Bodie was in trouble. Even the recent estrangement could not eliminate that feeling of being able to read each other’s thoughts and actions.

Mistrust, however, had come into the picture and now Doyle’s thoughts were clouded. Bodie had said that he would have left with Doyle if 4.5 had mentioned that he wanted to leave the streets when he reached 40. Why hadn’t Bodie told him that earlier? Was it because, in reality, Bodie had come to mistrust his partner?

It wouldn’t be the first time that the partnership had suffered from a lack of trust. Doyle could vividly picture Bodie thrusting his rifle at Doyle after Marikka Schuman’s death, as if to say, “You betrayed me.” It wasn’t true, but it took lots of words and time to convince Bodie of what had really happened.

Doyle still felt he had to close his eyes against the memory of Bodie’s look as he thrust the rifle at him, but he couldn’t since he was driving. The pain, however, overwhelmed him for a moment, until another image came forward: him slugging Bodie for the words he had just uttered about Ann Holly.

What a nine days fiasco that was. Why had Bodie even mentioned Doyle’s relationship to Cowley when he did? He knew that an investigation would then ensue; it was almost as if Bodie was jealous and some how wanted to get Cowley to intervene so that he and Ann would be broken up. Sighing, Doyle told himself how little he understood the man he had been partnered with for ten years.

As Doyle neared London, his thoughts turned to one of the most serious and deeply traumatic events of their partnership. Mistrust had been the very foundation of the crisis that developed over the death of Keith Williams, and the resulting confrontation with King Billy and his mob. Doyle’s world seemed to be falling apart during those few weeks. He couldn’t understand Bodie’s behaviour and instead of demanding to know what was going on, he allowed Bodie to close him out.

His feelings of being used by Bodie in the bike race further damaged their relationship. It seemed as if Bodie’s need for revenge was so great that he willing to use even Doyle to get what he wanted. When Cowley and Ross finally showed up and explained that Bodie had lost his entire squad in various ways and that Bodie was the only survivor; Doyle had finally seen the measure of his estrangement from his friend.

While Bodie was fighting for his life against King Billy and the other bikers, he had hit Doyle in the stomach. Doyle was able to plunge back into the fight any way and did keep some of the thugs off Bodie’s back, but the blow had created an abyss of mistrust which seemed to widen in the aftermath of the event.
Doyle might emotionally understand Bodie’s explanation that he had hit him to keep him out of the fight and getting killed, but mentally Doyle couldn’t understand Bodie’s actions. It had taken many weeks to overcome the variety of feelings over what had occurred. Doyle never denied his part in the problems they were having, but to 4.5, it was also further proof of Bodie’s mistrust in his partner that he had not taken him into his confidence and had tried to solve the King Billy situation single-handedly. Partners should share or, at least, that was the ideal.

Now Doyle was rushing towards the scene of another crisis. Bodie could be dead or injured. When Doyle had left the A Squad, he hadn’t really thought about what would be the aftermath of his leaving. He had only known that he didn’t want his lack of competency to endanger Bodie. And now for whatever reason, Bodie seemed to be in it again.

Walking towards the command area where Anson was directing the hostage situation, Doyle studied the scene. The whole area was roped off, but the gawkers were still around, trying to see what was happening. It happened at every scene of violence, but it further infuriated Doyle since, this time, it was Bodie involved in this situation; the need for sensation enflamed the fuel in this tense situation.

Anson was waiting for him since he had been notified by headquarters that Doyle was coming. Anson took one look at the man he hadn’t seen in a couple of weeks, and knew that Doyle was different. He looked tired, and disturbed, but Anson said none of these thoughts. In fact, he felt himself lucky that he had such a man available. Anson was a total snob and knew in his heart that here was the very best man to take the shot which would soon have to be taken.

Apparently Doyle knew it as well because his first question was, “Who’s going to take the shot?”

“We’ve arranged for a car to be here in a half hour to take the two thugs to the airport. Jameson from the local branch is up on the building across the street, waiting to take the shot.”

“Why isn’t Murphy here; he’s the best we’ve got next to Bodie.”

“Murphy got caught in the bombing near Trafalgar Square.”

“Is he hurt?”

“Not seriously, but he’s not able to hold a rifle at the moment.”

Silence filled the air, then Doyle stared hard at Anson and said, “I’ll take the shot; Jameson can take out the second guy.”

Anson didn’t hesitate. He merely nodded.

Both men could read in each other’s eyes what that decision meant; then Doyle forgot everything but the job. “Give me the details.”

”We’ve got an AR-10 with a scope for you. As far as we can tell, Bodie and Stephens went to the bank about several hours ago and never left. We contacted the bank and talked to someone who wouldn’t identify himself. He said that they wanted a car and safe conduct to the airport where a helicopter would be waiting. We asked about the safety of the hostages and he said they had had to shoot one of the CI5 guys, but he was okay for the moment.”

Those words chilled Doyle’s blood. “So they know they’ve got CI5 agents as hostages, do they?”

“I’m assuming they found their credentials. We don’t know who’s wounded and very little else. The thugs sound slightly hysterical like this has gone well beyond what they expected, so I thought it was important that we go along with them and get the car here quickly before they decide to do something really stupid.”

Doyle nodded, “Good, let’s get to it. Anything else you can tell me?”

Briefly Anson explained what was going to happen. Obviously the two robbers would be using hostages and it stood to reason that they would use the CI5 agents, if possible. Therefore, Doyle and Jameson would have to make shots that would take out the bad guys without hitting the hostages. According to the negotiator, the two thugs sounded like kids who were scared and might do anything, but they had said that they would leave most of the hostages in the bank unharmed.

Grabbing the AR-10, Doyle located himself at the best site for a clean shot and within minutes a small group of people carefully moved out of the bank. The negotiator yelled over the speaker that everything was ready and that no one would try to interfere. Doyle could clearly see the four people through his scope. The robbers were clearly scared kids who were trying their best to hide behind the hostages: Bodie and an unknown woman.

Bodie looked as if he had been badly beaten. He seemed to be hardly on his feet as if he would collapse if not held up by one of the dark-haired thugs. There was no chance to get at either of the kids until almost the moment they got to the car. As the one kid tried to open the door, Doyle let loose with a shrill whistle; for a second Bodie did not respond then he began to collapse to the ground. That action gave Doyle the perfect shot. Within seconds two shots had been fired and both villains were dead; Bodie was on the ground, and the woman immediately turned to check if the thugs were dead.

Anson rushed forward after briefly commenting to Doyle, “Good shot.”

Doyle stood staring down at the increased activity around the CI5 provided car. He had seen Bodie collapse just as he was making the shot. Had Doyle hit him or was he so badly hurt that he had collapsed on his own? Doyle’s whole body felt chilled and paralyzed. He could not face the idea that he had been the instrument of hurting Bodie once again.

He had been looking forward to the coming weekend to be with Bodie and talk about their differences; now it looked like Bodie would be spending the coming days in the hospital. Doyle was heading towards the scene to see about Bodie’s condition when Anson notified him that Cowley wanted to talk to him. Ignoring the demand for the moment, Doyle remained at the unconscious agent’s side until he had been loaded into an ambulance; then he called on an R/T to find out what Cowley wanted.

Hours later, Doyle managed to get to the hospital where Bodie and Stephens had been taken. Although Doyle was only interested in Bodie, he inquired about Stephens so that he could tell Bodie in case 3.7 had not heard. It seemed that the bullet had shattered Stephens’ leg and there was some question about whether he might have a limp in the future.

Walking into the white, sterile room, Doyle saw Bodie lying quietly in the narrow bed. It disturbed him to see his former partner like that since Bodie was usually so lively and on the go, but looking closer at the handsome face, Doyle could tell that Bodie had had a severe beating. Having talked to Bodie’s doctor beforehand, he knew that Bodie had been pistol-whipped and suffered a concussion when his head had been smashed up against a desk.

Since Bodie seemed to be sleeping, Doyle sat down in a nearby chair and waited for his friend to wake up. Doyle pinched his nose as he felt a headache coming on. This day had certainly not gone the way he had expected. He and Bodie had talked briefly and had set up this weekend so that Doyle could finally get the answer to some of his questions that had been interrupted, but now it looked like Bodie would here for the near future, and as for his own future . . . well, Cowley had certainly intervened in that. Sighing Doyle sat back to wait, lost in thought about his feelings for Bodie. It had taken very little time for Doyle to realize that his feelings for his partner had changed over the years. Perhaps that was why it was so painful when Bodie had seemed so indifferent before his undercover work began.

Doyle was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice a black and blue eye staring at him. It was obvious that Bodie couldn’t see him very well since his other eye was swollen shut, but he whispered, “Ray?” as if to query whether he was seeing correctly.

Standing quickly, he reached over onto the bed to grab one pale hand. “Bodie, I didn’t mean to wake you. Just been sittin’ here waitin’ for Sleeping Beauty to awake.”

Bodie tried to smile but it was clearly too painful. “Not much beauty here, sunshine. ‘Sides, I need Prince Charming to help.”

Doyle smiled about to accommodate Bodie’s request when Cowley walked into the room. Immediately the atmosphere in the room grew colder. Cowley clearly spotted Doyle holding Bodie’s hand, but Doyle refused to withdraw it since Bodie put a bit more pressure on the thin hand to keep it in place.

Studying Bodie’s bruises, Cowley turned to Doyle and stared at him as if he were a maggot preying on carrion. “Ah, 3.7, since you were unable to debrief the agent that was sent over here a few hours ago, I thought I would come to get your information.” Turning to Doyle very pointedly, Cowley asked with a less than cordial voice, “Would you excuse us, please?”

Doyle was about to comply when Bodie spoke up, “Ray can hear anything we’ve got to say. I want him here.”

Seeing the determination in Bodie’s eye, Cowley gave in with very little grace. “Very well, 3.7, I don’t have much time so let’s begin.” Looking around, he could not see another chair, but took the one that Doyle offered him. The slender body then went to stand by the other side of the bed as if to give Bodie moral support which Doyle knew the man did not really need.

Taking out a recorder, Cowley began, “All right, 3.7, how did this all begin?”

For a moment Bodie hesitated as if trying to gather his strength. Finally, he began, “Stephens asked me to drive him home since his car was not workin’; I told him that I needed to stop by the bank; he said that was okay because he needed money as well. We got inside the bank, and I was about to get me money when there was a commotion behind me. These two kids were movin’ towards the teller’s window, shouting for everybody to hold up their hands and get down on the ground. We could see the .38 pistols in their hands. There were ten people in the bank at the time, so we clearly couldn’t do anything without endangering the people around us.”

Cowley waited for a moment to allow Bodie to regain his strength then asked, “What happened next?”

As the kids got the money from the teller, one of them tried to hit the teller for not movin’ fast enough. Stephens reacted by pulling out his gun, but the kid shot him in the leg. How is Stephens, by the way?”

“The bullet shattered his leg; he’ll most likely be forced to leave the service with a medical disability.”

The coolness of the response seemed to stun Bodie for a moment before he nodded and went on, “Stephens was layin’ there bleedin’ all over when one of the women came forward and said she was a nurse. The thugs allowed her to help Stephens. While that was goin’ on, they took the time to search all of us, found our guns and credentials and that’s how they knew we were CI5.”

“I see,” was all that Cowley said, somewhat cryptically.

“The negotiator then set up communications with the thugs and so we all waited. I kept sayin’ to them that Stephens was in a serious way, but they ignored me. Finally we were told that a car was coming in a half hour and they would be leavin’. They decided that me and Stephens were going to be their hostages gettin’ to the car, and I guess I reacted too much for them ‘cause one of them took his pistol to me.”

Cowley stared at the obvious bruises and contusions and nodded. “How did you get that concussion?”

“The bigger of the two thugs grabbed me after using his pistol and threw me against a nearby desk. I was pretty groggy or I would have fought back. I think he would have killed me, but the younger one yelled at him to ‘Stop’, since I would be the perfect hostage. Well, he did, but I was barely conscious by that time.”

Doyle could tell that Bodie was exhausted, but said nothing since it was obvious that Cowley was determined to finish the questioning. “How did the woman get to be the hostage?”

“When the thugs tried to get Stephens up, she told them he would bleed to death and then they would have a murder on their hands. She volunteered to go with us. Mrs. Chambers, that’s her name, is a brave lady. They called out that the car was there and the rest you know.”

Cowley nodded and stopped the recorder, finally seeming to acknowledge Bodie’s exhaustion. “All right, we’ll stop there.” Then staring at Doyle for a moment, Cowley seemed to make a decision.

“Do you remember Seamus O’Flaherty, Bodie?”

“Ought to, killed him during that recent set of terrorist attacks.”

“Well, it seems that killing is what prompted this new set of supposed terrorism.”

Doyle wrinkled his face and queried, “Supposed?”

Cowley looked at him as if he were a demon from hell, but continued, “Yes, his cousin wanted to kill you, but he couldn’t find you so he staged most of these bombs as small explosions to draw you out. He wasn’t to know that you were . . . otherwise engaged.”

“Did you get him?”

“Yes, and we rounded up a rather nice group of his cohorts who are proving to be fountains of information. Thankfully this wasn’t IRA sponsored so it wasn’t a massive undertaking.” Putting his equipment away, Cowley headed for the door, turning at the last second to stare coldly at Doyle, but speaking in Bodie’s general direction, “You’re scheduled to be in hospital for a few days then will go on sick leave. I assume that will be for the remainder of your stay with CI5.”

As Cowley left the room, Doyle turned to Bodie and asked, “Now just what did he mean by that?”

Looking down at Bodie, he expected to hear the answer but noticed that the younger man had fallen asleep. Smiling at the beloved face, Doyle sat down in the chair recently vacated by Cowley and thought about the secret that Bodie had been keeping. What had the dumb crud done now? It seemed as if both of them were keeping secrets from each other.

Doyle was destined not to talk to Bodie that night since the floor sister politely booted him out as visiting hours ended. Since he had got Cowley’s message earlier, he now realized that he had no reason to return to the training facility for the next couple of days, he found a reasonably priced room and settled in until visiting hours the next day.

Walking in to Bodie’s room, he found his friend sitting up; his face covered in various degrees of colour. Smiling he said, “Mornin’, sunshine. You’re lookin’ more colourful than the sunrise.”

“Very funny, Doyle,” Bodie said through a mouth that was still somewhat swollen. “What are you doin’ here; I would have thought that Jack Craine would need his hero of the day?”

Doyle shook his curls and grimaced, “Nah, not me; gave me the day off, he did.”

Although Bodie’s face was incredibly sore, his left eyebrow still shot up at that announcement, “Since when does Jack Craine ever give a man a day of rest; he’s almost as bad as Cowley.” After saying that, Bodie stopped, staring shrewdly at the man he loved for several seconds; then he asked in a roughened voice, “What’s happened?”

Doyle knew he couldn’t fool Bodie so he came out with it immediately, “I’ve been suspended until Monday.”

“Why, you work for Jack now, not that bastard Cowley?”

Mildly surprised at Bodie’s description of Cowley, Doyle shook his curls in a negative gesture as he responded, “Yeah, but it wasn’t Craine that I read the riot act to.”

“What you talkin’ about, mate?”

MR. COWLEY called me in to discuss my intervention into the hostage set up at the bank. He said I had no business takin’ that shot. I tried to hold my temper, but I reminded him that I was the best shot there since Murph was down and the local sniper was an unknown quantity. Well, it got kind of hot and he talked to Jack and they agreed that I should be stood down for a few days. Don’t worry, sunshine; that just means that I can chaperone you when you get home tomorrow. Your doctor definitely doesn’t want you to be alone what with you just recoverin’ from that concussion.”

Seeing Bodie’s hesitant look, Doyle was shaken. How had the two men become so distant from each other? Doyle tried to find out Bodie’s feelings by asking, “That is if you want me?”

Then one black and blue eye sparkled as Bodie said, “Of course, I want you, in more ways than one, but I’m sorry that you got in Cowley’s bad graces. Is that why he treated you so bad yesterday?”

“’Spec so, but I think it was me holdin’ your hand that did it.”

Bodie frowned, “When did you do that?” Wrinkling his forehead, Bodie only vaguely remembered what had happened while meeting with Cowley.

“You woke up and grabbed me hand as we were talkin’; then Cowley came in and saw us.”

Bodie smiled, “Doesn’t matter; I’ll be out from under the old curmudgeon in a few days.”

“So that’s what Cowley meant; what have you done, sunshine?”

“When I got back from the undercover op, I found out you had left, and according to Cowley, I hadn’t helped the situation. I got so disgusted with his attitude that I put in my month’s notice. It should be up at the end of next week.”

Doyle’s heart did a flip flop as he heard the news. “Is that what you were tryin’ to tell me when you came up to the facility a few days ago?”

“Not exactly.”

“Bodie, I am usually a patient man (here Bodie snorted rudely), but you’ve stalled long enough. What were you tryin’ to tell me?”

Before Bodie could open his mouth, however, the day nurse came into the room and promptly dismissed Doyle so that she could deal with the “most recalcitrant patient that it had ever been her misfortune to meet”.

Doyle left, promising to return later. A promise he was unable to keep as he was summoned to the presence of Craine and Cowley for a meeting that seemed to last a lifetime.

As the marathon meeting continued for endless hours, Doyle finally managed to send Bodie a message not to expect him that day. Well past visiting hours, Doyle was finally free. He discovered that Bodie was scheduled to be released the next morning so he made his plans accordingly.

Early the next morning, he picked Bodie up and took him to his flat. Seeing that the ex-patient was exhausted, Doyle insisted that Bodie go to bed and get a good kip. For once the usually argumentative crud did as he was told to so the two men had no chance to really talk.

Several hours later, Doyle brought mounds of toast and eggs in order to feed the usually ravenous stomach of WAP Bodie. Although Bodie did justice to his fixins’, he certainly didn’t overdo as usual. Doyle realized immediately that his friend still wasn’t feeling well and gave him further orders to sleep.

While Bodie followed instructions once again, Doyle went over to his hotel and checked out, bringing his clothes to Bodie’s flat so he could stay with the injured man for the weekend. Hopefully by Monday when Doyle would have to report to the training facility, Bodie would be able to take care of himself.

The weekend was spent quietly with the two men trying to restore their long time relationship which had definitely hit some rough spots. Doyle knew that pushing Bodie too much about his recent behaviour would only increase the distance that had been created by Bodie’s undercover activities so Doyle decided not to question him until Bodie seemed ready to talk.

By Sunday evening, Bodie was much recovered, having showered and eaten an enormous meal. Sitting in the lounge across from Doyle, Bodie lay back on the settee and stared at his former partner. He felt that he owed Doyle some explanation for all that had happened so he decided to try and mend the breach between them.

“Thanks for comin’ and stayin’ this weekend; I don’t think they would have let me out of the hospital otherwise.”

“No problem, mate. I’m going to have to be leavin’ pretty early tomorrow ‘cause I have my first group on the range at 10.00.”

“I think that it was wrong of Jack and Cowley to suspend you; you saved everybody with that shot. I can’t figure it out.”

“Well, I think it had more to do with the words I said to the Cow afterwards rather than the shot actually.”

“Yeah, you never know when to keep that hole shut around Cowley.”

“Well, at least, not where you’re concerned. That was a vindictive thing for him to say that all the trouble had been caused by you killing Seamus O’Flaherty.”

“Wouldn’t be the first bad guy that wanted to get his revenge against me; just sorry innocent people had to be involved. I guess Stephens is out with that injury. ‘Course, I won’t be needin’ a partner for CI5 anymore, anyway.”

Doyle did not take the hint. “Yeah, I checked on Murph, and he’s out of hospital being nursed by that long-legged blonde. I’ll bet she’s givin’ him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation every hour on the hour.”

Bodie smiled then took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry about being so distant from you lately. I didn’t want you to know that my feelins’ about you have changed. I figured you’d punch me in the mouth if I told you that you mean more to me than I’ve been lettin’ on. I don’t blame you for being mad at me for missin’ your birthday. I figured we could talk about what our plans were after I got back, but you were gone and I didn’t handle it very well. You think you might be willin’ to let me be your friend again?”

Doyle’s green eyes stared at Bodie’s sad face for several seconds; then he said, “You’re important to me too, mate, but our lives are going to be changing a lot in the very near future. I suspect that Cowley is not going to let you get away from him that easily. That’s why he’s been on the outs with me, and I think we should wait until the end of next week before you make any decision.”

“What are you talkin’ about, Ray? I know how I feel about you and why should Cowley want anything to do with me after me walkin’ out on him?”

“Because, you blind moron, he wants you and will do just about anything to keep you.”

Looking confused, Bodie’s swollen face was the picture of incredulity as he burst forth with, “Whatta ya mean, Cowley wants me? I’ve given him ten years of my life, and I’ve done practically every dirty job that he’s asked of me. Why shouldn’t I be able to walk away, if I want to?”

Doyle closed his eyes and shook his head as if he were talking to an individual with a single digit IQ, “Don’t you understand, Cowley’s in love with you and would like to have sex with you?”

“What????? You’re crazy, mate.” Bodie started to get up but his aching body stopped him so he dropped back down on the settee and waited for Doyle to enlighten him.

Cowley has always planned on you takin’ over for him at CI5, but he knows your record and how you always leave before you get yourself in too deep. He played on your loyalty to him and figured he had you in his pocket, but he overplayed his hand when he partnered us. After a rough start we became friends and, in later years, more. Cowley realized that he had lost some of your loyalty . . . to me, and that’s why he didn’t fight to keep me when I turned 40. He’s probably been plannin’ this for years. It almost worked, don’t you see?”

Bodie would have shaken his head in the negative, but his head still ached too much. “You’re crazy. Cowley is not in love with me. He just doesn’t want to lose a good agent, but it’s too late. No matter what he says, I’m leavin’ ‘cause if there’s one thing you’ve said that’s true and ONLY ONE THING, it‘s that I’ve come to value you more than anyone else. So you just remember that in the next week, do you hear?”

Doyle smiled quietly at the belligerent man and then moved over to sit next to him. “Okay, sunshine. I’ll remember. Now you look like you’re just about out for the count. How about an early night for both of us since I have to get on the road early?”

Bodie figured that he had pushed his friend as far as he could for the time being. Doyle hadn’t really committed himself to any certain feelings as of now, but they would have all the time in the world after next week, and then the crazy golli would know that his feelings about Cowley were all wrong. Holding Doyle in his arms was paradise that night. All they did was sleep, but it did bode well for the weeks to come.

The next week went quickly. Doyle returned to the training and requested to see Jack Craine, who immediately complied.

“Jack, I would like to put in a request for a change of housing. I’m . . . I’m planning to have a roommate in the near future and my billet right now can barely hold me. Are there any rules against living off the base?”

“No, as a matter of fact many of the instructors live in the nearby village. I take it you will be wanting a two-bedroom house with all the mod cons?” Jack Craine’s eyes began to sparkle as he decided to not make this easy for Doyle.

“Well, I wouldn’t have to have all the conveniences, just a clean place with a good kitchen and close to the base. As for the two bedrooms, I could probably do with one.”

“What about your roommate? Where would he, I assume it’s a he, sleep?”

Finally, reading the teasing in Craine’s eyes, Doyle responded, “All right, I admit it. It’s Bodie, and I’m hoping that you’ll take him on as an instructor so that we can be together, and as for his sleeping arrangements that’s none of your business, Sir.”

Craine laughed, “All right, you have my permission. I’ve suspected something like this for a long time. I expect you two to be discrete, and I would really like to have Bodie here as an instructor, but I believe Cowley definitely has other plans for 3.7.”

As Doyle walked back to his billet to get ready for his afternoon group of agents, he kept hearing those words. What plans did Cowley have for Bodie?

Saturday morning, Doyle was still waiting to hear from Bodie. His contract had expired yesterday and Doyle had hoped that Bodie would contact him right away. It was also the last day of his billeting on the base. He had found an inexpensive house in the nearby village to lease for the time being. He had begun packing up his things the day before, but now he realized that if Bodie didn’t want the position here at the facility, there would really be no need for him to move. Sighing, he picked up a box of books and headed out to the vehicle he had got on loan in order to move.

Stepping out of his billet, he saw Bodie walking towards him. Smiling, his face lit up like sunshine as he wondered if Bodie’s arrival meant good news or the handsome man was here to deliver bad news. “Well, it’s about time; I thought you’d at least call to let me know how it went.”

“Some of the agents insisted on a going away party last night so I wasn’t able to get away as quickly as I hoped. It all went pretty smoothly, but Cowley kept dreamin’ up things to keep me behind . . . you know forms, forms, and more forms, but I’m here now. Just talked to Jack Craine and he’s offered me a job here, doing much like what you’re doin’ only with different equipment and different goals.”

“What’d you say to him?”

“I said I’d like to think it over.” Seeing Doyle’s crestfallen face, Bodie immediately blurted out, “Of course, I accepted you moron. Ten years on the streets are enough for any man.”

Smiling at his former partner, Bodie suddenly noticed Doyle’s activity and a frown crossed his face. “What’d you do now? Looks like you’ve been thrown out on your arse already, just as I was gettin’ here to take you in hand.”

“No, I haven’t been thrown out on me arse. I got permission to move into a real house in the village nearby. It’s got two bedrooms and most of the mod cons that you could ever want.”

“That’s great, but what do you need two bedrooms for? You haven’t got that much stuff.”

“Well, I’m thinkin’ of gettin’ a roommate to help pay the lease payments, that’s what.”

“A roommate? Now just who would that be? Bodie stood thinking a moment; then it came to him as he blurted out, “ It better not be that Snorkles, is it?”

“Now why would you say that? Snorkles is okay although he does run amuck once in a while, and I do know his sleepin’ habits.”

The two men were already inside as Doyle’s last words hit the air. Bodie reacted immediately pinning the slender body to the wall by the entrance way. “Now what does that mean? Have you been sleepin’ with the guy?”

“Well, a couple of times he slept with me after he got in trouble. He seems to calm down after bein’ with me, and Jack said it was okay.”

“JACK? Jack knows about this? I didn’t think he would allow anything like that around the base, and besides that what are you thinkin’ of, you’ll be bounced out on your arse? Is that why you moved?”

“What are you gettin’ so upset about? Don’t tell me that you haven’t ever thought about sleepin’ with me?”

“That’s different. I want to meet this man. I’m going to sort him out right away. They’ll be no more of you lettin’ him in your bed just so he can calm down.”

“All right. I think he’s home right now. Let’s walk over there if you need some reassurance. I think he would make a great roommate.”

“Not bleedin’ likely, mate. He won’t be fit for roomin’ with anybody once I get done with him.”

Just as the two men started out, Doyle stopped and quickly ran back to his own billet saying that he had forgot something. Doyle was back in a moment and the two men continued their quest. Bodie kept a swift pace following Doyle towards Sergeant Ritchie’s billet. Since Bodie was behind the older man enjoying the scenery, he did not notice the gleam in Doyle’s eyes. Walking up to the small billet properly identified as Sergeant Ritchie’s, Doyle’s knock got quick results as Ritchie answered the door.

“Doyle, now what would you be wantin’? If it’s that Snorkles, you know I’ve already told you that you spoil him. He needs more discipline and not your sympathy when he gets himself in trouble.”

“Sorry, Sarge, but I wanted my friend to meet Snorkles, if it’s all right with you?”

“All right, but don’t you be bringin’ him any presents like you usually do.”

By now Bodie was seething. Doyle was bringing presents to this . . . this miscreant who was trying to steal his golli away from him? Bodie promptly vowed that this would be the last time Doyle came to see this profligate. Walking into the room, a brown object threw itself at Doyle who promptly picked up what was obviously Snorkles.

“Snorkles, it’s so good to see you. I brought you a banana. Have you been good since that little shooting incident?”

With his mouth open, Bodie stared at the chimpanzee, unable to find speech for several seconds, then he called out, “That’s Snorkles?”

“Snorkles, I like to introduce you to Bodie. I know he doesn’t look too sane, but he’s really quite nice, and I’m sure you two will be friends.”

Bodie continued to stare while the visit went on. After some ten minutes, the two men took their leave of Snorkles and headed back to Doyle’s billet. On the way, Bodie found his voice, “You’re a right dodger, you are, how did Snorkles come to be here?”

“A couple of years ago there was an experiment to see if they could train chimpanzees to deal with bomb disposal. It didn’t work out too well, but by that time Snorkles had become popular with the men so he’s become the base mascot. Sergeant Ritchie has sort of taken him under his wing. That is until he runs amuck with his water pistol then he visits me or one of the other men for awhile.”

“So that’s what happened the last time I was here?”

Doyle nodded and went to get another load of packed goods. Bodie followed him and picked up some more books.

“How come I never knew about him before now?”

“Well, he is sort of kept a secret in the family unless you actually work for the base.”

“So, you were tryin’ to rag me about a roommate, were you?”

“Seems like it.”

“Well, Mr. Doyle, I am informing you right now that you already have a roommate, so you don’t have to go lookin’ for anyone else.”

“Oh, and who would that be, Mr. Bodie?”

“Me, and you damn well better know it. I’m not lettin’ you go again.”

For a moment Doyle stood and stared; then he replied, “All right then, get the rest of my things, roomie, and we’ll get goin’.”

Bodie immediately followed orders and within ten minutes; they were on their way to the house after stopping by to get his luggage and the boxes he had taken from his flat. When they arrived, Bodie was immediately impressed with the small cottage. He hadn’t lived in a house since his teenage years so this was a different way of life, and he would be living here . . . with Doyle which made it even better.

After Bodie had toted in most of the moving things, he noticed that there was much more living space than he had expected, and the kitchen was indeed stocked with all the mod cons. Looking around for Doyle, he found him putting Bodie’s clothing away in what obviously was the spare bedroom. Panic filled the ex-merc’s heart. Was Doyle really expecting him to just live here as a paying roommate without any other rewards? Was Doyle really still mad at him?

Doyle turned around and stared at the changing thoughts that were obvious on the handsome face. He considered himself to be an expert on reading Bodie, but it wouldn’t have taken an expert to see the chagrin on the bewildered face. Once again a spark of deviltry entered the ex-copper’s mind. Putting down the clothes on the chair beside the bed, Doyle queried innocently, “What’s the matter, Bodie? Don’t you like the way I’ve put away your clothes?”

Pure coldness entered the blue eyes as he blurted out one word, “No!”

“Now why would that be? After all, I’m asking you to pay less on the lease so I thought you should have the smaller bedroom. That’s only fair, isn’t it?”

Gradually Bodie approached the slender man and took him into his arms. “I’ll pay the whole damn lease, but I won’t sleep in here unless you’re with me, do you understand?”

“Bodie, I’m shocked at your thinking. This is a military base . . . well-sort of. I’m sure they don’t behave like that around here.”

“I’ll show you how the military behaves round here, right now.” And he did.

Their frenzied, impatient bodies finally arrived at the bed. Struggling to get closer to each other, they managed to get each other’s clothes off. Rubbing against each other to increase the pleasure and release the agony of need, the two men climaxed simultaneously.

Exhausted they lay down next to each other after Bodie managed to hook the duvet with his big toe and bring it up to cover them. Time was lost for the moment, but finally Doyle moved in Bodie’s close embrace, shoving his nose into Bodie’s armpit. “What time is it?”

“What difference does it make? We’re off duty until tomorrow, and I intend to take advantage of you.”

“Hmm, plannin’ to have your wicked way with me, are you?”

“Definitely.” As the two men lay entwined in each other’s arms, Bodie realized that if this relationship was going to work, he had to tell Doyle something. Shaking the curly haired man’s arm to arouse him, Bodie whispered, “Ray . . . Ray?”


Getting that enthusiastic remark, Bodie tried again, “I got somethin’ to tell you.”

Hearing the seriousness in Bodie’s voice, Doyle lifted his head and stared with his sleepy green eyes at the man he loved. “What’s sa matta?”

“You were right about Cowley. He asked me to stay on even though I was leavin’ the A Squad. He wanted me to start a trainin’ programme that would be much like the one you’re doin’ here, only just for CI5. He said he would recommend me to take over as Controller in four or five years when he retired, and he would make time to train me himself.”

Doyle’s green eyes cleared as he realized the implications of what Bodie had told him. “What’d you tell him?”

“I told him that I couldn’t work for him anymore . . . not after the way he had treated you. When I said that, I could see the look in his blue eyes that told me that you were right. He wants me, but wasn’t man enough to admit it. I told him no thanks, signed the rest of me documents, and left with no regrets.”

Doyle smiled as he kissed his lover. “You’re the best, Bodie. Sorry I was such a pain in the arse about your undercover op.”

“S’all right, Doyle, but speaking of undercover ops, how about we start our own right now?”

Ray Doyle, ever the alert and gung-ho agent, immediately agreed.


Bodie and Doyle were laughing as they returned to their cottage from a birthday celebration that had been given in Bodie’s honour. As usual the ex-merc had proven immensely popular with his fellow instructors who were always looking for a way to celebrate. Bodie’s 38th birthday provided just a reason. Neither man was drunk, but they were certainly feeling . . . merry.

Walking into the lounge area of the small cottage, Bodie stopped as he noticed the small blue and red uniformed military figures sitting on the desk. Bodie recognized them immediately. They were Doyle’s soldiers, the ones he had sold. Bodie went over to examine them. Picking up the superbly made cannon, Bodie realized that these were definitely Doyle’s set, but how had they got into the house?

Suddenly, Doyle entered the room from the kitchen. He was carrying two glasses of wine. Spotting Bodie’s interest in the soldiers, he smiled and declared, “Happy Birthday!”

Bodie whirled to face his lover and asked, “Where’d they come from?”

“I bought them back several months ago. You looked so disappointed when I said I had sold them that I thought I’d give them to you for a pressie. After all, you are the soldier.”

“Not anymore, Angelfish. I’m your lover first and foremost, and then I’m an instructor . . . that’s all. Thanks for the pressie.” Bodie moved forward as if to approach Doyle but instead went past him to the mantle where he picked up the two red-coated figures that he had bought for Doyle’s birthday. Placing them next to the other English soldiers, he smiled and said, “I thought we should join forces.”

Doyle turned around into his arms, kissed him, and murmured, “Definitely.”

After a mind-blowing kiss, Bodie held up his wine glass and said, “Here’s to no more lonely birthdays.”

Doyle’s stunned face looked up into Bodie’s blue eyes. “You . . . you understand.”

“Of course, love, I’ve understood all along. No more women.”

As Doyle leaned forward to kiss his lover again, he murmured into those pouty lips, “There never were.” Stepping back slightly, he held up his glass and taking a sip, announced, “Here’s to all the great birthdays to come. Love you, Bodie.”

“Love you, Ray. Thanks for the best birthday, I’ve ever had.”

The End
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