To be or become light, shine, to be illuminated, to become lighted up, to give light, shine, to illu

Jan 18, 2025 00:52

friend of the pier Rich Puchalsky has started the year with a lovely gesture, writing a brief monograph on the use, in the epic, of “owr” (the word, not the substance, though the substance is implicated by the word). I’m terribly fond of both the care and playfulness he brings to bear-this is how one wants to be read; I’d only add, as avenues of possible exploration for anyone so inclined, that the stuff from which the owr is derived is (usually) called “medhu”; that its appearance (viscous, milky, touched with just a hint of warm yellow gold) is based (in part) on childhood memories of the occasional tub of spun honey we’d get, as a treat, incomparably luxurious-but also (moreso), on this, and, yes: it is, indeed, a bodily fluid. To the extent that “body,” and “fluid,” make any sense at all, at this ontological level.
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