"Watch Her Strut"

Sep 17, 2008 23:41

There I was, punching keys and comparing database windows via a dual-flat screen setup, and it hits me. I couldn't get the driving riff out of my head. I just had to remember this long enough to take it home.

image Click to view

Check out the guy with the maracas. There are some instruments you can play a song on all by themselves and have it be recognizable. The maracas is not one of them. "Hey, check it out, I just learned this song, on the maracas!"
I'm thinking that two handfuls of maracas is the concert equivalent to a wall of stacked speaker cabinets. "Oh man, I'm going to play a big show, a pair of maracas won't do, I'll need two handfuls!"
Or perhaps the more maracas you have, the more compensated you are for being "the maraca guy". Almost on the same level as playing the tambourine. That's the one where the band tells the girl, "Sure, you can be in our band, here's a tambourine!"
I'm thinking the maraca guy gets the very last of the groupies.

The whole video reminds of the "cocaine cowboys" era. The song though, that made me think of girls. Girls with legs, who use them for walking.

Then I had to hunt down the guitar tabs.
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