Aug 23, 2005 06:42
this is what it's all leading up to, isn't it, Shelly "Diane" Long?
I mean i can feel my abilities as an actor, as a tehspians a stage professional growing the more time i spend off stage. Itis like celibacy turning sexualenergies intocreativity and energy.
i mean, we aren't intimates, except we bothhave the samelover the theater arts, acting. Now i paterend myself after you in imporv theater when i was very young and enjoyinng Cheers. OBVIOUSLY you could handle tougher roles which is why you put so much into Diane Chambers. and today's you're birtday.
as a leo, you are humblest and can do your best when at the spotlight, all eyes on you. and i look at you, yet and i see the moon child. i had you pegged.
but that's the tropical - sidereal thing going on, the part that iane Chambers, were she real and not your creation (ultimately i beleive that although the writer creates the script and the plot, teh actors create teh characters. a bunch of writers sitting around reading their scripts could b engaging but they hire...
i am bullshitting a little. damn. shelly long is well lets look at the video tape, shall we?
when i create dthe character of Green Guardian for the chidlren's musical The Mage of The Valley Shelly' Long's charater of Diane Cambers was the secret motivator -- her creation of teh pasive aggressive butyet weirdly saint-like --
i am doing it again. let's just look shal we? and i will shut up and later..sunbathe. life! life is sufferingand i love shelly long because diane hambers is more like me than any other character in Cheers. long sufferingpatient and more innocentthan naiv. hw\ow many times when called naive by cheers' staffdid she beginher rebuttal "I know perfectly well thatyou';ve been making fun of me." if Lilith,therefore Eve...and Diane was Eve. Frasier and Niles would understand as Freudians hip to Jung. I thinl perhaps having top deal with paifulyerotiically inspiring totally beautiful engenues, even aging engenues like ms Long, they get a little numb so they cn amaintain prpofesisonality.i bet david hyde Pierce would agree.
of all the people in that little universe -- i say Diane Chambers is PERFECT for Niles compared to the brit. who I deserved. but asking for aprincipal of color on an NBC perennial is like asking Hitler for chanukah cards, it's just an absurd waste of time.