Aug 03, 2004 13:52
Hi. Had a top weekend involving a night at the Squirrel on Friday. Nice night out. Saw a very drunk Mr P who was celebrating redundancy! Saturday night, myself and Mr A went to the George Abbott in Guildford for what I thought was a couple of pints. We ended up having between us around 10 pints of lager type stuff, 10 vodka shots, 2 large Tia Maria and I lost count with the end of the evening. For anyone who knows my alcohol tolerance (that of a small fluffy hamster) you will realised that that was a very silly night. We did end up watching Men and Motors at one stage at about 2 in the morning in Aldershot. Nice
Sunday was Mr A's Grans 80th Birthday. They know how to party! Essentially all barking. I love them all to pieces. Had the nicest smoked salmon ever, caught, smoked, and shipped over the previous day. Cor blimey guv'nor. It was lovely weather, met lots of people and ended the day watching High Fidelity. Perfect. Kinda weird being involved in family life again.
Ms B Wendy was in Corsham.
Going to see a mates band Thursday, Pete Doherty Friday and Mr PB 30th on Saturday. A Busy week.
1) Can you ever persuade a man to go to Ikea?
2) Is it wise to introduce your present man to an ex?
3) Should women ever attend footie matches, especially those that you know the home team are going to lose?
4) Was Michelle in Big Brother playing the game or what?
5) How cold will Stockholm be in October?