Aug 22, 2006 22:12
I learned my zen master died like a month ago and I missed the memorial last Saturday, double bummer. *sighs deeply* I think centurion is clinically depressed and maybe... I'm not going there. Still the "trapped in a relationship that is basically over" thing sucks and I think finances keep that on life support. Lighter still, a new face at the shoppe. A hardy steed from the depths of pre-med, a tiptoer through a mild course in bicyclology while on evacucation, an actual competitve cyclist who wants to be a wrench, and whose name is not Michael *drum roll*, ugh, grasshopper, I mean whoooohooo! I'll take it. One more would be nice but now we can be picky, a bit, sort of.
We're booked for Vega$ and the Interbike Expo in late September. The shoppe will be closed, but I've decided to put an honor kiosk in Z'otz with simple self repair items and we'll split the take. I donated a pump there a while back and cyclists of the self helping variety frequent it, and it's close, and they said okay, Thanks! I think it's a nice thing for those who count on us for whatever reason to have a blah blah bliggity;;::,,.. oh I'm bored with this... bike shop closed Sun Sept. 24 - Fri Sept. 29. Party!