May 26, 2011 12:35
OK, I can stop beating myself up now. Or at least accept why I'm not getting anything done.
I really seriously don't like several of my housemates. In addition to being pushy and loud, they're here all the time, often with a crowd of other loud, if not pushy people. It makes me want to hide in my room. I kinda hide in my head even.
I've had this sense of not getting very much done since I've been here. Every time I get energized, I feel like I get chased off, not deliberately, but just by people here making me uncomfortable and not wanting to be around them.
I think it's high time I get a place of my own. I need to focus and it's not happening with all this traffic, noise, clutter and chaos. None of this helps anything. Sure, it's cheaper to live with other people, but with what I'm accomplishing, definitely not worth it.
I'm not even getting any energy from these people who have such strong goals that are in a completely different direction than what I want or need that they kept trying to drag me off to.