It was extremely silly of me to think that I would have nothing to do between admission to law school and the start of the year. Weekends are booked through mid-June, and there are a few mapped on the horizon beyond that. Evenings are so full of *stuff* that I need days to recover. But there's a tremendous amount of follow-up work that I find myself signed up for...
Of course I'm up to my eyeballs in cool stuff. I live in the bay area, after all. Like everything, some of it drains me and some recharges. A brief list of general projects would include:
- Open source space initiative
- Robots! (although I'm taking this at a strict hobby level now.)
- Red Cross disaster response (few people know or care that there was a big fire with hundreds of people displaced, largely because they were so poor.)
- Not-Ephemerisle floating platform construction
- (Possibly?) Baycon staff
- Lost Horizons Night Market (It's an art thing.)
- Various and sundry hacker things (ratcheted down to hobby level as well)
- Ham radio operators at Maker Faire
Only 2 of these are job-level commitments... but 2 is enough! As needs of each of these endeavors changes (like the floating platform is on the rise), time commitments change.
On top of all this, there are independent projects I'm wanting to finish:
APRS Geolocation project for the Red Cross
Advanced lighting patterns and improved UI for Syzygryd
Numerous LED projects