01 ; In Which Sniper is Reborn and is Properly Cowed

Jul 13, 2011 11:56

[Sniper's script is much slower than his usual speedy handwriting that catapults itself across the page, but it's recognizably his nonetheless. His writing comes in pauses and spurts as he tries to muddle out what he ought to be writing.]

Hey, everyone. This is Sniper. I'm [DOT DOT DOT THIS IS THE STRANGEST DAMN THING] back now. Hey, did anyone pick up my bag? There was some important stuff in there. And Kabuto?

[A particularly long pause here as he swallows his pride. GULP.]

I know I must have worried some of you. I'm sorry.

goddamn cocoon goo, aaawwwwkwaaaaard, made a boo boo, apologies aren't easy but dying is, sorry sorry, back to life

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