16 ; In Which Nico Robin Dies and Sniper Gains Resolve

Jun 22, 2011 21:05

[Sniper's writing looks more or less the same, but its pace is uneven--first it speeds across the page, and then it stops and his writing slows before it gains momentum again. The only thing that is of note is the way the ink presses into the page, deeper than usual.]

A woman died today. I only got there near the end, but it looks like she was being sucked into the Tree. There's nothing left there now but her arm. I don't know her name, but maybe one of you can recognize her. She looks like this.

[This picture is drawn quickly, in black and white. His strokes are sparing, but it's still a very good likeness of her. There is a pause that lasts for a good three minutes spent pacing fretfully around before he comes back to the page.]

I never knew her here, but I knew her where I'm from. She was a part of my crew. She was held captive, and to save her, we declared war on the World Government, I burned down the World Government's flag and now she's been killed by a stupid tree. We were ready to fight armies and she was killed by a tree and I don't even know what she called herself. And she didn't deserve to die like that.

You know, we can be walking by our best friend every day? People we'll die for? We can be here forever, and be with our entire family and not even know it. You could be working beside someone you should know, and you don't even talk, because you don't know. You should, but you don't.

strawhats, pissed sniper is pissed, damn you tree, guuuuilllt, memories, bravery or lack thereof, coward coward coward, considering things

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