Mar 29, 2013 18:14


Cloud (iattractmushi): Cloud was one of the first people to comment on Sniper's very first journal entry when he was terrified out of his mind and hiding in the washroom. He clarified a few things. On top of that, they have met several times over: when Sniper was a skeleton, buying things in the Bazaar and during a collective memory log. Going to the Hogwarts Wilderness cemented Cloud in Sniper's good graces, because he has a lot of fun with the guy. He has since seen Cloud in a number of tight situations (including death and injury) and wonders if Cloud is lonely from his distant nature. Cloud is among his inner circle of friends and he wishes to keep him close and away from any trouble.

Krile (feathered_earth): At the beginning, Krile pinged Sniper for Kaya, his hometown sweetheart--her kindness, her blonde hair and her acceptance of Sniper's bullshit. This changed once they hung out a few more times and he discovered that she was a vastly superior fighter and a warrior in her own right. Still, he counts Krile as a very close friend and appreciates all the goodness she has shown him. Now, he has grown extremely close to her and considers her one of his best friends. He'd leap into battle blind for her.

Prince/Chivalry: Prince disappeared before Sniper got a chance to know him. All he knows is that he cooks, he swears a lot and he likes ladies--not to mention he's kind of fun to tease. Unfortunately, right after he disappeared, Sniper gained a memory of him and now regrets not getting to know him a bit better. He came back in the form of Chivalry, where Sniper grew much closer to him, often meeting him to talk about their possible past, shoot the wind or just eat his food. As soon as he was finally begin to consider Chivalry a truly close friend, he disappeared.


Hawk (crimson_seeker: He first met Hawk while handwavingly working on his house for some extra cash. They later met while fighting Hawk's evil twin in the form of a dragon, which cemented a bond to him in Sniper's mind. He enjoys Hawk's easygoing kindness and relaxed nature and likes chatting with him. He also admires the fact that Hawk was able to take such a heinous injury perfectly in stride in a way he doubts many others would be able to. He is not close enough to be considered a very close friend yet, but Sniper would certainly like him to become one.

Daitou (coughcoughshank): Sniper would consider Daitou a casual friend, but he recognizes that something's a tiny bit off about him. He's able to switch from smiling to unbridled anger very quickly, and Sniper has to consider the fact that this anger gone unchecked will get Daitou killed one day. Regardless, he feels a connection to Daitou due to their mutual connection to Thalassa. He'd like to know Daitou better though he wonders if he has anything to hide. He also finds Daitou's cough in his memory to be worrying considering its unfortunate similarity to his mother's ill sounding cough.

Juhani (cathar_jedi): Juhani fits somewhere in between the good and the neutral sections. He finds Juhani's warrior attitude to be commendable and something to aspire to, but at the same time finds her manner to be somewhat odd. She's very serious and does not seem very happy much of the time. He often finds himself wondering if he is a thorn in her side, but resolves to talk to her anyway as he would rather someone have a bother than have no one at all.

Bridge: (handy_psychic): COOLEST BOSS EVER. When he first arrived, Sniper was very resistant to the idea of going to a job day in day out as designated by a boss, but found a pleasant surprise within Bridge. He's kind, easygoing, and on top of that, has a marvelous way with machines that Sniper can't help but be in awe of. Some part of him knows that he doesn't know Bridge nearly well enough and wonders what's really going on with him, but his opinion that he's just a cool guy will not change very soon at all.

Lyle (live_ringer): While Bridge is cool in a this guy is someone I want to hang out with and goof off with, Lyle is cool in a this guy is so cool sort of way. He's wry and suave, and Sniper would like to be a man like that only he's way too flaily to even try. He first found himself bonding with his co-worker during the zombie attack, and as with anyone else he fights alongside, wanted to keep up that relationship ever since. Lyle's always kind, if not a bit aloof, and is always good for hanging out and shooting the breeze. They have a very easygoing relationship that Sniper treasures.



Snake (kamishininoyari): Also known as Stupid Smiley Man, Sniper finds Snake's manner over the journals and how he tends to mock everybody highly grating. The last straw was when he made fun of Prince's disappearance and was just outright rude.

!ooc, !relationships

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