picspam: Skins 3x07, the blue scene

Sep 08, 2009 10:47

The new challenge over at picspammy made me think of picspamming this scene, immediately. It was one of my favorite Skins S3 scenes - so intense and so well done. We get to know what's inside Cook and we can see the true bond of friendship among the "three musketeers". Also, Jack O'Connell's outstanding performance makes the whole scene perfect (guess who has got a crush on his character?).
That said, enjoy the picspam!

JJ: Just say he's gonna be all right.
Freddie: He's gonna be all right. He's always fucking all right, aren't you, Cook?
Cook: Top pills, man.

Cook: I knew you'd come for me, Three Musketeers.
Freddie: Fuck off, Cook.
Cook: Freddie, she loves you, you know.
Freddie: What?
Cook: She loves you. But she can't stand it. Can't stand the love, so she fucks me instead.
Freddie: What's he saying?
JJ: I think you're gonna get the truth. Cook?
Cook: I'm pissed off, yeah? She's taking the piss and it's hurting me.
Cos Cook needs the love too. Cookie's got nothing.
JJ: Everything all right, guys?
Cook: Cookie's always got nothing. That's why I do her pal. That's why I pop Panda.
Panda's popped. It's always the same, great tits Panda, great tits Effy.
That's all I get cos I'm shit. I'm pure shit.

Freddie (to Thomas): Back off.
Thomas: He does not deserve friends!
Freddie: Yeah.

Freddie: You've had a busy day, haven't you, JJ?
JJ: I'm sorry. I got locked on. You all pissed me off.
Does this mean I can't come to the shed anymore?
Freddie: Course not, you can still come to the shed.
Just give me some space, ok? I need time to think.

Effy: What's going on? Someone said he...
Freddie: It's yours, I think.


Comments are much appreciated! :)
Do not edit/hotlink/claim as your own
Screencaps thanks to killcolor

skins, picspam

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