Dec 27, 2008 03:54
this break has not been a break.
I'm just as stressed now as I was the entire semester and I'm really wondering when my hair will start falling out as a result because yes that really happened to me before.
I got home about a week ago lets hear all the grand fun I had.
1. My first night home, my mom welcomes me by My mom telling me off and telling me how it was my fault that her relationship with Tony ended.(the sad thing is she's serious)
2. My dad decided to ditch me and my brother on xmas.
3. My car died in front of a 711 at 1 am
4. The professional pictures I rushed home to take so they'd be ready by xmas eve, weren't ready until after xmas.
5. I found out I'm a shitty friend because Ive been so stressed this semester that I havent been calling because I feel like my heads gonna explode, like im bipolar and all i want to do is sleep.
6. I nearly failed all my courses. No graduating early.
7. A good friend might have cancer.
8. I was told off that my dreams and aspirations are stupid.(always a joy to hear)
9. My xmas gifts have shown me my parents understand nothing of me and/or dont care enough to actually take the time out to find meaningless gifts.
10. I spent the same amount of money on "santa's" gifts, that he did on mine(keep in mind im a poor college student)
11. I'm in debt moreso than ever.
12. I found out now my brother has switched to alcoholic and heyy is still doing 10x better in his classes then it mine.
13. Benjamin ate Tupentine after I dragged them 300 miles back home in my car.
14. My brother and father have decided to tell me Im fat.
15. I have no bathing suit for Florida.
16. I am a failure and should be killed. : )
I love this year! NOTTTTTTTT